POC projects
POC project contains prove of concept projects, simple tests of new (for me!) technologies.
POC project includes following independent projects:
- akka
- avro
- aws
- charts
- deploy1
- gcp
- Jzy3d
- kafka
- kafka_cluster
- kafka2
- kafka3
- mailgun4s
- mocha-jenkins
- pconfig
- phazelcast
- pjunit5
- pmongodb
- plogging
- pquartz
- protobuf
- pscalacheck
- pscalafx
- pscalatest
- pserialization
- pslick
- pspark
- scala-chart
- scala-gradle
- scalamock-examples
- simple-cassandra
- spring-mockito
- test-file
- usage-sourcetree
- ys-pclojure
- ys-pexpress