Copyright (C) 2016, 2017: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Copyright (C) 2016: Yoh Okuno
Partially based on neural_ime by Yoh Okuno licensed under the same license.
$ tar -xzvf nksnd-<version>.tar.gz
$ cd nksnd-<version>
$ python build
$ python install
the program called nksndconv
is installed.
For one-line-per-sentence inputs
$ nksndconv
For S-expression API
$ nksndconv -m sexp
("best-path" "きょうはいいてんき")
(("今日" "きょう") ("は" "は") ("言" "い") ("い" "い") ("天気" "てんき"))
("list-candidates" (("今日" "きょう") ("は" "は")) "いい" 0)
(("唯々" "いい") ("井伊" "いい"))