Yogesh Raheja has created this repo to cover all of the major K8S concepts with hands-on examples
If you're preparing for the CKA or CKAD exams, I highly recommend following this repository and learning through hands-on practice.
This repository is created for anyone who wants to learn K8s step by step from the absolute beginning. This repo covers steps for most used K8s objects and essentail concepts including:
- Setting up K8s cluster from scratch
- Namespace
- Pods
- ReplicaSets
- Deployments
- DaemonSets
- Init Containers
- Multicontainer Pod
- Resource Quotas
- Jobs & Cronjobs
- Local Volumes
- PV & PVC
- Local Variables (env)
- COnfigMaps
- Secrets
- Scheduling (NodeSelectors, Taints & Tolerations, Affinity rules)
- Liveness and Readiness Probes
- Ingress (Nginx and Contour)
- Network Policies
- K8s Dashboard
- Metric Server
- AutoScaling
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- and much more