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🎉 Alfred workflow to copy git emoji



1. Type 「ge」 in Alfred


2. Type keywords or name after 「ge」


3. Press Enter to copy emoji

4. Commit your git message

git commit -m ":bug: fix bugs"



emoji code description 说明
🎨 (调色板) :art: Improving structure / format of the code 优化代码结构/代码格式
⚡ (闪电) :zap: Improving performance 提升性能
🔥 (火焰) :fire: Removing code or files 移除代码或文件
🐛 (bug) :bug: Fixing a bug 修复 bug
🚑 (急救车) :ambulance: Critical hotfix 重要补丁
✨ (火花) :sparkles: Introducing new features 引入新功能
📝 (备忘录) :memo: Writing docs 撰写文档
🚀 (火箭) :rocket: Deploying stuff 部署功能
💅 (美甲) :nail_care: Updating the UI and style files 更新 UI 和样式文件
🎉 (庆祝) :tada: Initial commit 初次提交
✅ (复选框选中) :white_check_mark: Updating tests 增加测试
🔒 (锁) :lock: Fixing security issues 修复安全问题
🍎 (苹果) :apple: Fixing something on macOS 修复 macOS 下的问题
🐧 (企鹅) :penguin: Fixing something on Linux 修复 Linux 下的问题
🏁 (旗帜) :checked_flag: Fixing something on Windows 修复 Windows 下的问题
🤖(机器人) :robot: Fixing something on Android 修复安卓下的问题
🍏(绿苹果) :green_apple: Fixing something on iOS 修复 iOS 下的问题
🔖 (书签) :bookmark: Releasing / Version tags 发行/版本标签
🚨 (警车灯) :rotating_light: Removing linter warnings 移除 linter 警告
🚧 (施工) :construction: Work in progress 工作进行中
💚 (绿心) :green_heart: Fixing CI Build 修复 CI 构建问题
⬇️(下箭头) :arrow_down: Downgrading dependencies 依赖降级
⬆️(上箭头) :arrow_up: Upgrading dependencies 依赖升级
📌(图钉) :pushpin: Pinning dependencies to specific versions 固定依赖版本
👷 (工人) :construction_worker: Adding CI build system 添加 CI 构建系统
📈(上升趋势图表) :chart_with_upwards_trend: Adding analytics or tracking code 添加数据分析或者跟踪代码
♻️(回收) :recycle: Refactoring code 重构代码
🐳 (鲸鱼) :whale: Work about Docker Docker 相关工作
➕(加号) :heavy_plus_sign: Adding a dependency 添加依赖
➖(减号) :heavy_minus_sign: Removing a dependency 移除依赖
🔧(扳手) :wrench: Changing configuration files 修改配置文件
🌐 (地球) :globe_with_meridians: Internationalization and localization 国际化与本地化
🔧(扳手) :wrench: Changing configuration files 修改配置文件
✏️ (铅笔) :pencil2: Fixing typos 修复 typo
💩 (屎) :hankey: Writing bad code that needs to be improved 写了需要提升的垃圾代码
⏪ (倒带) :rewind: Reverting changes 回滚变化
🔀 (扭曲右箭头) :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merging branches 合并分支
📦 (包裹) :package: Updating compiled files or packages 更新编译后文件或者依赖包
👽 (外星人) :alien: Updating code due to external API changes 外部 API 变更导致的更新代码
🚚 (卡车) :truck: Moving or renaming files 移动或重命名文件
📄 (许可证) :page_facing_up: Adding or updating license 添加或更新许可证
💥 (爆炸) :boom: Introducing breaking changes 引入重大变更
🍱 (便当) :bento: Adding or updating assets 添加或更新附件
👌 (OK) :ok_hand: Updating code due to code review changes 根据 code review 更新代码
♿ (轮椅) :wheelchair: Improving accessibility 优化辅助选项
💡 (灯泡) :bulb: Documenting source code 为源代码添加文档
🍻 (啤酒) :beers: Writing code drunkenly 喝醉时写的代码
💬 (对话气球) :speech_balloon: Updating text and literals 更新文本和文字
🗃️ (卡片文件盒) :card_file_box: Performing database related changes 数据库相关变化
🔊 (大喇叭) :loud_sound: Adding logs 添加日志
🔇 (静音) :mute: Removing logs 删除日志
👥 (人与影) :busts_in_silhouette: Adding contributor 添加贡献者
🚸 (注意小孩) :children_crossing: Improving user experience / usability 提升交互和易用性
🏗️ (建筑建造中) :building_construction: Making architectural changes 做结构性改变
📱 (iphone) :iphone: Working on responsive design 做响应式调整
🤡 (小丑) :clown_face: Mocking things 模拟数据
🥚 (蛋) :egg: Adding an easter egg 添加彩蛋
🙈 (挡眼睛) :see_no_evil: Adding or updating a .gitignore file 添加或更新.gitignore
📸 (相机闪光) :camera_flash: Adding or updating snapshots 添加或更新快照
⚗️ (蒸馏器) :alembic: Experimenting new things 实验性特性
🔍 (放大镜) :mag: Improving SEO 优化 SEO
☸️ (佛法轮) :wheel_of_dharma: Work about Kubernetes Kubernets 相关工作
🏷️ (标签) :label: Adding or updating types (Flow, TypeScript) 添加或更新类型 (Flow, TypeScript)


  1. Emoji cheatsheet
  2. Gitmoji
  3. Git commit emoji cn



  • Initial Version


  • Support Chinese search - pull request by @lsxiao