No more creating ScriptCS files, copying it over to the server where it needs to run, and then log into the server to run it; or to setup a scheudle when the file should run.
When ScriptCS Server runs it watches a folder for ScriptCS files. When you drop or sftp (Danger! using plain ftp to drop ScriptCS files is dangerous) a file into that folder, or if you change a file in that folder, the server will pick it up automatically and run it
On top of a ScriptCS file you can specify its schedule when it should run, or if you leave it out the server will run it once.
- Install ScriptCS
- Download ScriptServer
- Install ScriptServer to run as a service
In the folder where the server was installed you will find the app.config file, open that file to configure the server. Note: you will need to restart the service in order for the server to pickup the new config changes. Remember these are server configurations, you don't need to use this to configure individual ScriptCS files. ScriptFiles, you just need to drop into the folder and forget about it.
- WatchDirectory: The directory the server should watch for ScriptCS files
You can specifiy a schedule when the ScriptCS file should run, by adding a timespan comment on top of the ScriptCS file
//SCHEDULE-TIME-SPAN: [hour] [minutes] [seconds]
Means every 1 hour, 2 minutes and 3 seconds
Means every 2 minutes
Updated by Yitzchok Neuahus