a Python Markdown plugin used to add rel="external nofollow" and target="_blank" attribute to all tags, can be uesed in django etc.
simply use this command to install
pip install python-markdown-nofollow
if you use a different mirror of Pypi, you may got an error, you can specify the Pypi source to install:
pip install -i https://pypi.org/simple/ python-markdown-nofollow
python markdown 3.x.x
this plugin is registered to python-markdown
(version 3), so after installation, you just need to specify the name of this plugin:
import markdown
def std_markdown(value):
return markdown.markdown(value, extensions=[
package location: https://pypi.org/project/python-markdown-nofollow/0.0.1/
a more fundmental tutorial can be found here:Adding rel="nofollow" and target="_blank" attributes to links in django project