Hey there it's Erdogan. I am interested in AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning.
- Machine Learning (Andrew Ng.)
- Deep Learning Specialization (Andrew Ng.)
- Tensorflow in Practice (Laurence Moroney)
- FastaiV3-Part1 (Jeremy Howard)
- FastaiV4-Part1 (Jeremy Howard)
- Basic Python Machine Learning
- Undergraduate Thesis - Exoskeleton
- School Projects
- Angular Notes
- Web Scraping
- SQL Basics
- Python Basics
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Git Notes
- Machine learning based movie recommendation app. Users can combine different movies and get suggestions for the provided combination. I trained a collaborative filtering model and obtain embedding vectors for about 60k movies. Recommendations relies on these embedding vectors. Designed a simple front-end with angular and backend with flask.
- deployed app
- github page
- Again I trained a collaborative filtering model on some jokes. This recommendation system works a little different than the above. I ask users to rate some jokes first, and based on these jokes, system creates a taste profile for the user (embedding vector of the most similar user based on the ratings). The recommendations is done based on this taste profile.
- Binder App:
- github page
- It is a computer vision application. Basically the app tries to detect "beauty". This project is done only for educational purposes and fun.
- I collected data using google search. Old version does a binary classification and assign a probability for "beauty" based on the given image.
- So it was basically a binary image classificiation model.
- Old Version Model Training
- Later I improved this app, added it some other features. Two different model works on it. One is a multiclass image classifier (based on gender and "beauty" level). Another is an image regressor (age prediction).
- Binder App:
- github page
- It is a simple survey app that I've created for a friend that allows users to create surveys and share it with others. I used Angular. It uses Firebase to store the data
- deployed app page
- github page
- Some web crawlers that compares crypto prices on different crypto markets and send notification e-mails.