YGGDRASH CLI allows you to communicate with a remote or local node and carry out YGGDRASH-related functionality using an interactive or non-interactive command line tool.
Node ≥ v10.12.0
NPM ≥ v6.4.1
Yarn ≥ 1.12.3
$ yarn global add @yggdrash/cli
- new - Generate account
- import - Import account
- export - Export account
- getAccounts - Account list
- getAccount - View specific account
- admin - Admin account
- clear - Clear account
The node control is only available in the admin account.
- build
- start
- status
- stop
- plant - Transactions that register a branch with the stem
- init - Create a seed file and a contract template
- build - Build the created contract and create a branch file.
- deploy - Deploy to node
- list - View branch
- set - Checked out branch
- status - View current branch
- transfer - Asset transfer
- transferFrom - Set up the account to be transferred and transfer it.
- approve - In my account, grant some rights to the amount of money available to a particular account.
- balanceOf - Account Balance Display
- specification - It shows the specification of the branch.
- totalSupply - Show the total supply of the branch.
- allowance - It is possible to see how much the owner gave the quota to a particular address.
$ ygg console
__ __
__ ______ _____ _____/ /________ ______/ /_
/ / / / __ `/ __ `/ __ / ___/ __ `/ ___/ __ \
/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_/ (__ ) / / /
\__, /\__, /\__, /\__,_/_/ \__,_/____/_/ /_/
$ ygg <command> [options]
This project is licensed under the MIT License.