Molrender creates images of the following types: model
, assembly
, chain
, models
, or all
. Either as png
or jpeg
molrender all /path/to/5cbg.cif /path/to/out/
molrender all /path/to/1nmr.cif /path/to/out/ --format jpeg
npm install
npm run build
npm run watch
DEBUG=molstar npm run watch
NODE_ENV=production npm run build
npm run build
npm install -g
npm version prerelease # asumes the current version ends with '-dev.X'
npm publish --tag next
npm version 0.X.0 # provide valid semver string
npm publish
Just open an issue or make a pull request. All contributions are welcome.
Funding sources include but are not limited to:
- RCSB PDB funding by a grant [DBI-1338415; PI: SK Burley] from the NSF, the NIH, and the US DoE