A web application that solves the Rubik's cube
This project has been created for my own entertainment.
It is written in plain javascript using three.js as WebGL 3D engine and with a touch of angular-js.
a working demo is available here or at five-software.com/rubiks (my old home page)
a much newer version (demo only) is available at cubesolver.app.
To run it locally:
git clone https://github.com/yarivgdidi/rubiks-cube.git
npm i -g http-server // if you don't have one installed yet
npx http-server <path-to-dir> // e.g. npx http-server c:\five\rubiks-cube
Then browse to http://localhost:8080
(No build required, isn't it amazing )
Under docs, you will find a short description of the project (sorry, hebrew only).