Despite trying to keep things simple, we will still be relying on several Python packages to build the book from our files...
You will need:
- Ananconda
That's it! It will bring Python3, pip, and virtual environments which we will use.
Copy the repository locally.
Turn on the virtual env. source use-cases/Scripts/activate
Install the requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the book building process: jupyter-book build ./book/
Because we'll be creating jupyter books, we will need a few tools to create the book. The easiest way to ensure we all have the same environment is by creating a virtual one.
Technically, you won't have to create one, but reuse the one provided here.
This is only feasible from a command line interface (for now).
Open Git Bash (if you are using Windows), or the Terminal (on MacOS/Linux). Navigate to your working directory (the use-cases folder - your local copy of the github repo). There, execute the following command:
source use-cases_env/Scripts/activate
"source" is an existing command which execute a script (activate in this case), and keeps all modifications to the runtime environment. Usually, the environment is set for a program, and is unloaded once it has run - but here, we want those variables to be available to use (such as the path to python.exe!).
virtualenv -p python3 use-cases_env
All scripts to "activate" the virtual environment will be in the use-cases_env/ folder.