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ChessHub.io is an attempt to make a non trivial real-time multiplayer gaming web application using the following technologies:
- HTML5, CSS3, Twitter bootstrap and Font awesome to make a nice looking UI
- JQuery combined with the inevitable Javascript utilities (Lodash, Moment.js, Messenger.js and Highcharts) for client side logic
- Socket.io client to make real time gaming possible
- Chess.js and Chessboard.js for everything related to chess
- Node JS as Web server
- Express JS as Web framework
- Passport JS as authentication middleware
- Socket.io server to make real time gaming possible
- Handlebars.js to easily render HTML templates
- Mongo DB along with Mongoose
- Because it is a good use case for real-time multiplayer gaming
- Because every time you look for a real-time application example on the web, you end up on chat applications, so I decided to change the subject :-)
- Because I am a chess junkie!
The goal of ChessHub.io is not to provide a fully featured web application to play chess but to provide a non trivial application serving as an example of modern web application using the aforementioned technologies.
Apart from chess logic, here is a list of reusable features:
- Application structure and setup
- User authentication and registration process (/login & /register)
- Real time multiplayer gaming logic (See gaming logic section)
- RESTful API (/api)
- Real time monitoring dashboard (/monitor)
- "TV" page to broadcast any real-time content (/tv)
Even though the application is related to chess, it is easy to change the domain model along with application logic and keep/adapt the application structure.
ChessHub.io uses a simple gaming sequence through Socket.io that works for 2+ players. Here is a simplified diagram of most relevant events:
- Node JS
- Mongo DB up and running on the default port (27017) and using the default database (test)
$> npm install
$> node initData.js
$> node .
Browse the following address: http://localhost:3000
You can register a new account or sign in with the following credentials: [email protected] / foobar
Note: The initData.js
script will populate Mongo DB with some data so you can use the application.
I made ChessHub.io primarily to learn how to make this kind of real-time applications with a non hello world use case.
I am aware of the excellent MEAN.io project, but I decided to go from the ground up without code generation to understand how things work behind the scene.
I am not an expert in all these technologies, so there are probably some points of improvement in the application design, structure or code.
If you believe there is best practice I have not followed, please let me know by opening an issue on the issue tracker. Pull requests are welcome!
ChessHub.io is released under the MIT license (see LICENSE file).