This projects was made to learn the implementation of Stacks and Queues
Monty 0.98 is a scripting language that is first compiled into Monty byte codes (Just like Python). It relies on a unique stack, with specific instructions to manipulate it. The goal of this project is to create an interpreter for Monty ByteCodes files.
Files containing Monty byte codes usually have the .m
extension in the subdir mfiles
, we use these files to testout if our monty is going to behave like it should be
zerobors@ubuntu:~/repo/monty$ cat -e mfiles/0.m
push 1$
push 2$
push 3 anything after the instruction is ignored !!$
Lets deep dive on the content of the repostiory
Simply a make file with just 3 cases :
zerobors@ubuntu:~/repo/monty$ make monty
gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c -o monty
Compiling all of .c files in the repo with a spicified flags.
zerobors@ubuntu:~/repo/monty$ make clean
rm monty
Removing the compiled version
zerobors@ubuntu:~/repo/monty$ make 12
cat mfiles/12.m
push 1
push 2
push 3
push 4
push 0
push 110
push 0
push 108
push 111
push 111
push 104
push 99
push 83
./monty mfiles/12.m
Displayes the content of the .m
file, then excutes the program with that file, it is just a shortcut of not typing the while path of the file twice, we are lazy students uwu.
The Op_standard instructions functions like pint, pall, ..etc
// pall_op - Prints all the values on the stack
// pint_op - Prints the value at the top of the stack, followed by a new line
// pop_op - Removes the top element of the stack
// swap_op - Swaps the top two elements of the stack
The Op_mathmatical instructions functions like add, sub, mul, ..etc
// add_op - Adds the top two elements.
// sub_op - Subtracts the top element of the stack from the second top element of the stack.
// mul_op - Multiplies the second top element of the stack with the top element of the stack.
// div_op - Divides the second top element of the stack by the top element of the stack.
// mod_op - Computes the rest of the division of the second top element of the stack by the top element of the stack.
Most important function of the whole project, it takes a line of word and index then return that word of that spacific index.
Error handling functions