stands for yet another fuzz generator
What makes this different from the numerous fuzzing libraries already published?
This library was designed to poison attack central APIs and shared resources in order to force and enforce a client's ability to handle an adverse environment. A concrete example of this scenario is posting a message partially schema compliant to a message queue like kafka and expecting client code to gracefully handle missing fields.
Unlike the Google OSS-Fuzz approach which tackles fuzz issues at the CI/CD project level, yafg should publish fuzz messages (maybe just in stage) to a central kafka topic or mock invalid responses for a discoverable HTTP api. This adds another layer of protection at a distributed level. While OSS-Fuzz will provide targeted, in-depth spot checks, yafg attempts to raise the quality floor of all services using a distributed system.
#TODO: insert graphic of floor vulnerability vs spot fixes with CI
is meant to be used in conjunction with some chaos engineering framework. The generated messages should be used to poison test systems and provides a standardized config around primitive and more complex generated types.
A common service provider may say
"You must be able to handle a corrupt message if you intend to use our service."
An SRE team may say
"If you read and write authenticated messages on our kafka topics, you must be able to gracefully handle a corrupt, tombstone, or partially formatted message. If you do not use a provided central wrapper library that handles encryption and decryption, if your implementation does not work, it will fail in stage."
See OSS-Fuzz