- My personal web
- 🎓 Studying Information Engineering at National Taipei University
- 🌱 Passionate about programming and technology
- 💻 Skilled in C, C++, Python, Swift, Flutter, HTML..
- 🚀 Winner of Swift Student Challenge WWDC24 : ✨WWDCScholars
- 📱 Developed health-related apps using SwiftUI
- 📧 Email: [email protected]
Here are some of my projects:
- NTPUOne: A mobile app for NTPU student.
- Self Point Massage App: A mobile app to promote health and wellness through acupressure techniques.
- Just a Score: Just an IOS app recording the scores of the game.
I'm open to collaboration and contributions. Feel free to reach out if you're interested in working together on any projects!