Acamar is an open source service for pinging Minecraft servers and write results into MySQL backend. It supports all Minecraft versions from 1.4.
- Grab the latest version from the releases
- Create a config file
- Run with
acamar -config config.toml
Acamar uses config.toml
file in the working directory as the config. You can change it by the flag -config foo.toml
# Ping period. Valid time units are "ms", "s", "m", "h".
Period = "3s"
# Timeout for treating the server as offline.
Timeout = "2s"
# Parameters for MySQL connection
Connect = "user:password@tcp(,utf8"
# The following variables can be used in all queries:
# :name - string - server name from the config
# :address - string - server address from the config
# :latency - int - ping time in ms
# :online - int - online players count
# :max - int - max players count
# :time - int - current unix timestamp
# :favicon - string - server icon in base64 format
# :protocol - int - protocol version number
# :version - string - version string
# :motd - string - server MOTD without formatting (description in the servers list)
# This query will be executed before any pings to server
Insert = "INSERT IGNORE INTO servers (id) VALUES (:name)"
# This qeury will be executed every time after a ping if the server is online
Online = "UPDATE servers SET updated = :time, online = :online, max = :max, latency = :latency, motd = :motd WHERE id = :name"
# The same, but for an offline server
Offline = "UPDATE servers SET updated = :time, online = 0, max = 0 WHERE id = :name"
# Minimal configuration for the server
Name = "Hypixel"
Address = ""
# If you have a server with multiple network interfaces you may
# want to choose from which one to send ping requests
Name = ""
Address = ""
LocalAddress = ""
# An example of a legacy (version <= 1.6) server with a period other than the default
Name = "Vime 1.6.4"
Address = ""
Legacy = true
Period = "5s"