- Features
- Installation
- Run the demo
- Usage
- Data Model
- Models
- Include views
- Limitations
- Troubleshooting
- Changelog
- Single Elimination Trees Generation
- Single Elimination with Preliminary Round Generation
- Playoff Generation
- Third place fight
- List of Fights Generation
- Customize Preliminary Round Size
- Customize area number (1,2,4,8)
- Modify Single Elimination Tree generation on the fly
- Use teams instead of competitors
This is still a work in progress. Things could change, things could break. Use it at your own risks in production
NOTE: Depending on your version of Laravel, you should install a different version of the package:
Laravel Version Laravel Tournament Version 5.5 0.13 5.4 0.11
First, you'll need to install the package via Composer:
$ composer require "xoco70/laravel-tournaments":^0.13
If you use Laravel 5.4, update config/app.php
by adding an entry for the service provider.
'providers' => [
// ...
Finally, from the command line again, publish the default configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-tournaments
To run the demo, you need to generate Tournaments, Championships, Users, Competitors and Settings
Run Migrations:
php artisan migrate
composer dump-autoload
Seed dummy data:
php artisan db:seed --class=LaravelTournamentSeeder
You will be able to access the demo at http://yourdomain.com/laravel-tournaments
// Create a tournament
$tournament = factory(Tournament::class)->create(['user_id' => Auth::user()->id]);
$championsip = factory(Championship::class)->create(['$tournament_id' => $tournament->id]);
// Optional, if not defined, it will take default in ChampionshipSettings
$settings = factory(ChampionshipSettings::class)->create(['championship_id' => $championship->id]);
// Add competitors to championship
$competitors = factory(\App\Competitor::class,10)->create([
'championship_id' => $championship->id,
'user_id' => factory(User::class)->create()->id
// Define strategy to generate
$generation = $championship->chooseGenerationStrategy();
// Generate everything
// Just generate Tree
// Just generate Fight List
$tournament->owner; // get owner
$tournament->venue; // get venue
$tournament->championships; // get championships
Check tournament type:
Check tournament level:
$tournament ->isInternational()
$championship->competitors; // Get competitors
$championship->teams; // Get teams
$championship->fighters; // Get fighters
$championship->category; // Get category
$championship->tournament; // Get tournament
$championship->users; // Get users
$championship->settings; // Get settings
$championship->fightersGroups; // Get groups
$championship->groupsByRound($numRound = 1); // Get groups for a specific round
$championship->groupsFromRound($numRound = 1); // Get groups from a specific round
$championship->fights; // Get fights
$championship->firstRoundFights; // Get fights for the first round only ( Useful when has preliminary )
$championship->fights($numRound = 1); // Get fights for a specific round
NOTE: $fighter can be an instance of
Determine strategy:
Determine group size:
Determine championship type:
$group->championship; // Get championship
$group->fights; // Get fights
$group->fighters; // Get fighters
$group->teams; // Get teams
$group->competitors; // Get competitors
$group->users; // Get users
NOTE: $fighter can be an instance of
To get the instance name:
$group->getFighterType() // Should return Team::class or Competitor::class
NOTE: This plugin use laravel-nestedset. This means you can navigate with
or use any methods available in this great plugin.
$competitor->user; // Get user
// Create a team
$team = factory(Team::class)
->create([ championship_id' => $championship->id]);
// Add competitor to team
// Remove competitor from a team
$fight->group; // Get group
$fight->competitor1; // Get competitor1
$fight->competitor2; // Get competitor2
$fight->team1; // Get team1
$fight->team2; // Get team2
Preliminary tree
@include('laravel-tournaments::partials.tree.preliminary') // Preliminary table
Single Elimination tree
@include('laravel-tournaments::partials.tree.singleElimination', ['hasPreliminary' => 0])
Fight List
vendor/bin/phpunit tests
This is a work in progress, and tree creation might be very complex, so there is a bunch of things to achieve.
- Seed fighter
- Manage more than 1 fighter out of preliminary round
- Modify Preliminary Round generation on the fly
- Use any number of area ( restricted to 1,2,4,8)
- Manage n+1 case : When for instance, there is 17 competitors in a direct elimination tree, there will have 15 BYES. We can improve that making the first match with 3 competitors.
- Double elimination
For those running MariaDB or older versions of MySQL you may hit this error when trying to run migrations: As outlined in the Migrations guide to fix this all you have to do is edit your AppServiceProvider.php file and inside the boot method set a default string length:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
public function boot()
This error means you don't have enough competitors / teams to create given tree Try to increase competitor number, decrease areas or preliminary group size, if preliminary round is active
- v0.13: Manage third place fight
- v0.12: Laravel 5.5 version
- v0.11: Initial Version