A library that contains a series of extensions, helpers, and useful classes used in most of Xmartlabs' Android Projects.
It's divided into a series of modules with different proposes:
- Core: Core extensions of the application, which extends Android and Kotlin features.
- DataStore: A Custom [DataStoreSource], based on Jetpack DataStore, that provides the ability to store custom entities types without the requirement of using Protocol Buffers.
- Navigation: Navigation extensions and useful helper classes related to Navigation Architecture Component.
- Navigation-debug: A series of extensions and useful tools to debug and log important information of the Navigation Architecture Component.
- Reflection: A series of extensions useful when you are dealing with Reflection.
Add library to project dependencies with JitPack.
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.xmartlabs.AndroidSwissKnife:swissknife-core:${master-latest-hash-commit}"
implementation "com.github.xmartlabs.AndroidSwissKnife:swissknife-datastore:${master-latest-hash-commit}"
implementation "com.github.xmartlabs.AndroidSwissKnife:swissknife-navigation:${master-latest-hash-commit}"
implementation "com.github.xmartlabs.AndroidSwissKnife:swissknife-navigation-debug:${master-latest-hash-commit}"
implementation "com.github.xmartlabs.AndroidSwissKnife:swissknife-reflection:${master-latest-hash-commit}"
Made with ❤️ by XMARTLABS