Ardumower full odometry version see for more info.
Master branch is GY-88 version See other branch for GY-87 or MPU-9250/9255 version
OPTIONAL RFID/RASPBERRY: Use for multiple area mowing, Fast start Entry point,Fast return to station,soft docking ,etc.... Need PN5180 AS RFID READER Need ESP32 dev kit to manage SPI communication with PN5180 Need Raspberry Pi 3B+ or Pi Zero for setting RFID
GY87 version use a GY87 IMU connected on I2C1 to avoid i2c adress conflit with RTC .
RL1000 version is the code for robomow rl model platform. The 3 big mow motor use 3 BTS7960 motor driver and 3 INA226 with R010 instead R100 to manage motor sense over I2C