#qcp - QuickCheck for C++
qcp is a QuickCheck unit test framework for C++. It is used for pure functional testing by feeding your function with random generated inputs many times. Now it's running based on GoogleTest.
This project is inspired by ScalaCheck & QuickCheck. Since there are currently no usable QuickCheck for doing unit test in C++.
Here is an example to test integer arithmetics:
SPECIFICATION(int_arithmetics) {
Property<int, int>("add 2 integer is no greater than add their absolute values") = [](int lhs, int rhs) {
return lhs + rhs <= abs(lhs) + abs(rhs);
Property<int>("WRONG: bad math, a integer is greater than it plus 1") = [](int a) {
return a > a + 1;
And test result will show the input fails test:
Please refer to the examples
source code about how to add generator for user-defined class.
Generators are far from finished, still under construction.
- Compiler supports C++ 11 vardic template to compile.
- GoogleTest