This is a physically based renderer (CPU based ray tracing), and it's original name is SmallSPPM since I have answered someone's question about sppm to write a demo. But now I decide to extend it to a graphics library, so I rename this project to "Gyunity" [dʒiːjuːnəti].
Next plan is to implement the GPU based renderer and add more features like MCMC(MMLT), VCM, Differentiable Rendering core, Path Guiding methods...
- PathTracing (PT)
- Stochastic progressive photon mapping (SPPM)
- LightTracing (LT)
- Bidirectional PathTracing (BDPT)
- Volume PathTracing (VPT)
- Equi-angular sampling
- Multiple importance sampling (MIS)
- Microfacet model with GGX distribution (GGX)
- Ambient Occlusion (AO)
- Low Discrepancy Sequence (Halton, Sobol...)
- KdTree, BVH
- Fast vector and matrix calculation (SIMD-SSE)
- Simple Memory Pool
1. git clone --recursive
2. In Developer Command Prompt for VS to run init.cmd
3. Open Gyunity.sln and build the solution