If you want to see the results please click on the link: Today News
- Feel free to use Google, your notes, books, etc. but work on your own.
- If you refer to the solution of another coach or student, please put a link to that in your README.
- If you have a partial solution, still check in a partial solution and send in a pull request.
- You must submit a pull request to this repo with your code by 9am Monday morning.
As usual please start by forking this repo.
You'll create an app that summarises the news.
Make sure to look at this guidance! It'll help you point yourself in the right direction when you're figuring out how to implement some of the trickier things.
Your app will grab all the headlines from the Guardian newspaper API and display them on a page. Clicking on a headline will show a summary of the article.
You'll write a single page web app. You'll write your code in frontend JavaScript, CSS and HTML. You won't use Ruby or backend JavaScript.
And, as is the theme for this week, you won't use any libraries or frameworks!
But, feel free to use the test framework you wrote during the week!
You'll use a static web server (e.g. http-server) to serve your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. You'll send requests to an API to get data from the Guardian and to summarise text.
The API is hosted on an external server that you don't have to worry about. You only need a static web server. That's why this type of architecture is called "serverless".
Some of these stories will need decomposing if they seem too large.
As a busy politician
I can see all of today's headlines in one place
So I know what the big stories of the day are
As a busy politician
I can see a relevant picture to illustrate each news article when I browse headlines
So that I have something nice to look at
As a busy politician
I can click a news headline to see a summary and a photo of the news article
So that I can get an in depth understanding of a very important story
As a busy politician
I can see click a news article summary title which links to the original article
So I can get a few more details about an important story
As a busy politician
I can read the site comfortably on my phone
Just in case my laptop breaks
As a busy politician
I can see whizzy animations in the app
To make my news reading more fun
So that this project can focus on the front-end, we've provided an API that you can use to talk to the Guardian API and the Aylien text summarisation API. This API's only job is to take your request and add an API key. This way, you don't have to store API keys in your front-end app.
Why is it bad to store API keys in your front-end? If we hadn't provided this API for you to use, how would you avoid this?
The Guardian and Aylien text summarisation APIs are severely rate-limited.
Please stub your tests so we don't exceed the daily limit. Otherwise, all requests will be rejected and everyone's apps will stop working!
The basic idea is to send an apiRequestUrl
query parameter to the News Summary API. The value of this parameter is the URL of the request you would have made to the Guardian or Aylien API, minus any API credentials.
Please stub your tests to avoid exceeding the API rate limit
If you wanted to get the content of an article from the Guardian API, this is the cURL request you might make. Notice how it has a query parameter for api-key
curl "http://content.guardianapis.com/politics/blog/2014/feb/17/alex-salmond-speech-first-minister-scottish-independence-eu-currency-live?show-fields=body&api-key=SECRET_API_KEY"
To make this request via the Makers News Summary API with cURL, you could do something like this:
curl "http://news-summary-api.herokuapp.com/guardian?apiRequestUrl=http://content.guardianapis.com/politics/blog/2014/feb/17/alex-salmond-speech-first-minister-scottish-independence-eu-currency-live?show-fields=body"
Note how the apiRequestUrl
parameter value is just the request you would have made to the Guardian API, minus api-key
Please stub your tests to avoid exceeding the API rate limit
If you wanted to use the Aylien API to summarise an article by Bret Victor, this is the cURL request you might make. Notice how it has headers to authenticate with the Aylien API.
curl "https://api.aylien.com/api/v1/summarize?url=http://worrydream.com/MediaForThinkingTheUnthinkable/note.html" \
To make this request via the Makers News Summary API with cURL, you could do something like this.
curl "http://news-summary-api.herokuapp.com/aylien?apiRequestUrl=https://api.aylien.com/api/v1/summarize?url=http://worrydream.com/MediaForThinkingTheUnthinkable/note.html"
Note how the apiRequestUrl
parameter is just the request you would have made to the Aylien API. Notice how you don't have to send authentication headers.
If you're interested, you can see the code for the News Summary API in this repo: https://github.com/makersacademy/news-summary-api
- Guardian newspaper API homepage
- Aylien text summary API docs
- cURL man page
- Hurl, a web interface for sending HTTP requests