- Berlin ✈️ Helsinki ✈️ Madrid
- http://www.josemiguel.org
react-currency-formatter Public
💵 react component for currency formatting
scoober-fe-challenge-starter Public
Forked from saintaze/scoober-fe-challenge-starter -
hw-kmd-wallet Public
Forked from pbca26/hw-kmd-walletWeb hardware wallet for Komodo and Smart Chains
react-faq Public
Forked from timarney/react-faq⚛️ Colección de enlaces que te ayudarán a responder tus preguntas sobre React.js
styled-bootstrap Public
💅🏻 A styled-component implementation of Bootstrap
react Public
Forked from facebook/reactA declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
vscode-snazzy-theme Public
🎨 VS Code theme based on hyper-snazzy with bright colors
awesome-styled-components Public
Forked from styled-components/awesome-styled-componentsA curated list of awesome styled-components resources 💅
1 UpdatedMay 21, 2018 -
rematch Public
Forked from rematch/rematchA Redux Framework
grid-styled Public
Forked from rebassjs/gridResponsive React grid system built with styled-components
react-props2md Public
Create a markdown table with all your component props
react-flex-material Public
Forked from northerneyes/react-flex-materialFlex component built for React based on Angular Material Flex Layout
instagram.css Public
Forked from picturepan2/instagram.cssComplete set of Instagram filters in pure CSS
subscription-app Public
A react native app to track all your subscription services
plyr Public
Forked from sampotts/plyrA simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
campus-madrid-react-talk Public
👩🏻💻 React Workshop in Google Campus Madrid
charlas-y-talleres Public
Forked from OSWeekends/charlas-y-talleresAquí encontrarás algunos de los microtalleres impartidos en nuestros eventos
fictiziapp Public
📱 Code for the React Native Workshop on Open Source Weekends
GoblinDB Public
Forked from GoblinDBRocks/GoblinDBFear the Goblin! - An amazing, simple and fun database for humans
fireQL Public
🔥 Simple graphQL implementation on top of firebase cloud functions ☁️
🚀 A Yeoman generator to build reusable react components
EventPoints Public
Forked from OSWeekends/EventPointsProyecto Calendario. #proyecto-EventPoints en Slack
reads Public
Forked from bevacqua/reads📚 A list of physical books I own and read. Includes ratings!
1 UpdatedNov 25, 2016