A pathfinder for breach world in BatMud.
- Install Rust: https://rustup.rs/.
- Run
cargo install --path .
at root of this repo.
breach-walker <from> <to>
Both <from>
and <to>
take coordinates in the form of x:y
This macro reads player current location from PROMPT so you need to have
in Bat PROMPT and update the regex to match your PROMPT.
;; /breach_go x:y
;; If x:y is not provided it will go back to where you call this last time, as
;; a return trip.
/def -i breach_go=\
/if ({#} < 1) \
/let _dest=%{bgo_last_from}%;\
/else \
/let _dest=%{*}%;\
/def -F -1 -p99999 -i -mregexp -h"PROMPT \\[\\d+\\]\\[\\$$:\\d+/\\d+\\]\\[\\d+kg\\]\\[\\w+\\|(\\d+),(\\d+)\\]\\[\\w+\\] >" _bgo_prompt_hook=\
/test breach_go_do("%%{P1}:%%{P2}", "%{_dest}")%;\
/def breach_go_do=\
/set bgo_last_from=%{1}%;\
/quote -dsend !breach-walker %{1} %{2}%;