NLP project This project is for the course 22933 introduction to NLP in the open university of israel This project was created by Elad Biran and Elad Shoham
##how to run.
To run the train please run the following:
./ train <file> <number of rows to take>
./ test <file> <number of rows to take>
This project uses glove's database
please download it from (we used this version Please make sure that the glove file is in the same folder as the python script.
make sure the training or test files are in the same folder as the python script.
note that our test script will only output the scalar test loss (less relevant), and the accuracy
There will not be an output file with the predictions of each sentence, and there will be no prints of the recall, f1, precision and such.
In the code there are functions that show these parameters. If needed, one can use them to see the scores.
We use many imports that need installation before hand.
We used anaconda to install and run the imports.
here is the list.
conda install -c anaconda numpy
conda install -c anaconda pandas
pip install tensorflow-gpu
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
conda install -c conda-forge keras
sudo pip install keras
pip install -U scikit-learn
conda install scikit-learn
conda install -c auto pyswarm
please note that this is a heavy project for the computer. You might need a small corpus, a lot of running time, and a 64bit computer (for tensorFlow).
in finals there are 4 folders.
old: our old model with a static alpha
new: our new model with dynamic alpha
baseline50000: the baseline trained on 50,000 sentences
baseline10000: the baseline trained on 10,000 sentences
sample_200_test.ft.txt - a file of 200 test samples to run tests on.
each folder has other files in it. they are the models and other data needed. This means you can run the test without training.