This repo is the PyTorch implementation for the CBMIL described in the paper "Clustering-based Multi-instance Learning Network for Whole Slide Image Classification".
python \
--dataset CAMELYON16_20x_s256 \
--data_csv /path/to/data_csv.csv \
--data_split_json /path/to/data_split.json \
--num_patches 1024 \
--preload \
--optimizer Adam \
--scheduler CosineAnnealingLR \
--batch_size 16 \
--epochs 50 \
--lr 0.0001 \
--wdecay 0.0001 \
--warmup 0 \
--arch CBMIL \
--alpha 0.8 \
--temperature 1 \
--num_classes 2 \
--cl_weight 0.1 \
--device 3 \
--exist_ok \
The format of input csv file:
case_id | features_filepath | label | clusters_filepath | clusters_json_filepath |
normal_001 | /path/to/patch_features/normal_001.npz | 0 | /path/to/cluster_indices/normal_001.npz | /path/to/cluster_indices/normal_001.json |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
case_id: [str] the index for each WSI.
features_filepath: [str] the .npz file path for each WSI, this .npz file contains several keywords as follows:
- filename: [str] case_id.
- img_features: [numpy.ndarray] the all patch's features as a numpy.ndarray, the shape is (num_patches, dim_features), like (1937, 512).
label: [int] the label of the WSI.
clusters_filepath: [str] this .npz file indicates the clustering category corresponding to each patch in WSI. It contaions several keywords as follows:
- filename: [str] case_id.
- features_cluster_indices: [numpy.ndarray] This array represents the clustering category of each patch feature in WSI, it's shape is (num_pathces, 1).
clusters_json_filepath: [str] This JSON file represents the patch index contained in each category of clustering, like:
[ [0, 30, 57, 58, 89, 113, 124, 131, ...], [11, 13, 22, 25, 26, 34, 35, 45, 49, 50, 51, ...], ... [1, 8, 15, 16, ...] ]Each list represents a category.