The verbant/wn-livewire-plugin
package provides the option to load Livewire components in WinterCMS projects.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require verbant/wn-livewire-plugin
This package supports Livewire components in a theme, in plugins or in the backend. Each of these usages requires a specific approach:
The plugin creates a menu entry in the top menubar, ¨Livewire¨ and a ¨Conponents¨ side menu entry. You can add a new component or modify an existing one. The Markup tab contains the Livewire-markup, the code tab contains the Livewire PHP-class containing the callback functions.
Component and backend Livewire components require registration, so that Livewire can find the markup and its backing class. You register these components by creating a public function registerLivewireComponents() returning information for the components as an array. Each element of this array has the following layout:
'component name' => ['LivewireClass' => Class of Livewire, 'ViewName' => 'name of view in components|controllers/component name', 'ViewPath' => "full path to this view"];
A plugin can define a component which has both Livewire-markup and a Livewire PHP-class. You can still have other component partials, and render these in the usual way using the twig {% partial %}
twig directive. The Livewire-markup is rendered by the {% component %} directive and renders the markup as defined as the ViewName during registration.
A plugin can have a backend controller which supports Livewire components. The markup will probably in the controllers/controller name directory. The Livewire PHP-class could be there as well. To render the Livewire-component, call
$this->renderLivewire("name", [optional arguments]); somewhere in a PHP markup-file.
Add the following tags in the head
tag, and before the end body
tag in your page or layout.
{{ livewireStyles() }}
{{ livewireScripts() }}
Create a Livewire component by choosing ¨Livewire¨ from the top bar en then ¨Add +¨ from the sidebar. Name it counter. On the markup tab, enter:
<div class="input-group py-3 w-25">
<button wire:click="add" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
<div class="form-control">
{{ count }}
<button wire:click="subtract" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
On the code tab, enter:
public $count = 1;
public function add()
public function subtract()
Note that the code editor flags an error on the top line. It doesn´t know that this code will be embedded in a class.
Create a page and on the markup tab enter:
{% livewire "counter" with {'count': 2 } %}
And add the {{ livewireStyles() }} and {{ livewireScripts() }} on this page or on a layout, used by it.
Create a plugin and a component named ¨lw¨ within that plugin. In the Plugin.php file include:
<?php namespace YourNamespace\PluginName;
use YourNamespace\PluginName\Components\Lw;
use YourNamespace\PluginName\Components\Lw\Lw as LiveW;
class PluginName extends PluginBase
public function registerComponents()
return [
Lw::class => 'lw',
public function registerLivewireComponents()
return [
'lw' => ['LivewireClass' => LiveW::class, 'ViewName' => 'default', 'ViewPath' => $this->getPluginPath() . '/components/lw'],
// other plugin code
In the components directory create a file Lw.php:
<?php namespace YourNamespace\PluginName\Components;
use Cms\Classes\ComponentBase;
class Lw extends ComponentBase
use \Verbant\Livewire\Traits\LivewireComponent;
* Gets the details for the component
public function componentDetails()
return [
'name' => 'lw Component',
'description' => 'No description provided yet...'
* Returns the properties provided by the component
public function defineProperties()
return [];
The LivewireComponent trait adds a onRender() function which takes care of rendering the markup as Liveewire markup.
In the components/lw directory create 2 files: default.twig with contents:
<div class="input-group py-3 w-25">
<button wire:click="add" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
<div class="form-control">
{{ count }}
<button wire:click="subtract" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
And Lw.php with contents:
public $count = 1;
public function add()
public function subtract()
You can now add this component to a CMS page by dragging it from the side bar. Note that you can pass variables to the component, which will be made available to the Livewire component, like
{% component 'lw' count=5 %}
Create a plugin and a controller named ¨lwc¨ within that plugin. In the Plugin.php file include:
<?php namespace YourNamespace\PluginName;
use System\Classes\PluginBase;
use YourNamespace\PluginName\Controllers\Lwc\Lwc as LiveWc;
class Plugin extends PluginBase
public function registerLivewireComponents()
return [
'lwc' => ['LivewireClass' => LiveWc::class, 'ViewName' => 'default', 'ViewPath' => $this->getPluginPath() . '/controllers/lwc'],
// other plugin code
In the controllers directory create a file Lwc.php:
<?php namespace YourNamespace\PluginName\Controllers;
use BackendMenu;
use Backend\Classes\Controller;
* Lw Controller Backend Controller
class Lwc extends Controller
use \Verbant\Livewire\Traits\LivewireController;
* @var array Behaviors that are implemented by this controller.
// public $implement = [
// LivewireController::class
// ];
public function __construct()
// possible setContext() and other code
public function index()
The LivewireController trait provides the renderLivewire function.
In the controllers/lwc directory create 2 files: lwc.twig with contents:
<div class="input-group py-3 w-25">
<button wire:click="add" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
<div class="form-control">
{{ count }}
<button wire:click="subtract" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
And Lwc.php with contents:
public $count = 1;
public function add()
public function subtract()
You can now add this component to a backend view by calling
$this->renderLivewire("lwc", [optional value for the component]);
Note that for the backend you do not need to add the { livewireStyles() }} and {{ livewireScripts() }} directives.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.