You can write Javascript, see it executed, and write comprehensive documentation using built in markdown editor.
- The code in each code editor is all joined together into one file. If you define a variable in cell #1, you can refer to it in any following cell!
- You can show any React component, string, number, or anything else by calling the < show > function. This is a function built into this environment. Call < show > multiple times to show multiple values
- Re-order or delete cells using the buttons on the top right
- Add new cells by hovering on the divider between each cell
Recently, I added new features to the app. They can be use as a new cells, in pair with the code editor.
- Excalidraw
- OpenAI chatbot
- Lexical text editor
For now, I'm not planning on adding any documentation , but if need it, this is a place, where will be added.
Wolfpad is designed, to work better on desktop , despite this fact, there is a mobile version that is being developed.
There is a company name SocketSupply, which is currently working on developing an awesome piece of web technology, for helping build peer to peer software. So I set my mind to follow this path , to make Wolfpad a peer to peer software, allowing users to share resources and information directly with each other.