This app is archived and unpublished from Google Play. This repository is only here for archival purposes, and may be deleted eventually. The app no longer works, since the associated website and services have been taken down.
Original README follows below.
This is a mobile application for members of TMEIT. TMEIT is a social group and part of the Chapter for Information- and Nanotechnology for students at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
Det här är en mobilapp för medlemmar i TMEIT. TMEIT är en studiesocial nämnd i Sektionen för Informations- och Nanoteknik för studenter på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, KTH.
Version 2.3 has been published to Google Play.
This app is still under development but several features are functional and the app is intended to be used in its current state. It is intended to function as a complement to but once enough features are implemented it could replace the website completely for many members.
See the project Issues for the current development backlog. This includes bugs as well as enhancements and upcoming features.
This project is open-source to facilitate porting to other platforms.
This app asks for a few Android permissions. While you can browse the source to find out what they are used for, here is a brief summary.
- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - For checking if we are connected to a network and putting up a warning if we're not, since the app won't work without Internet access.
- INTERNET - For accessing the TMEIT web site and services.
- WAKE_LOCK - For (very briefly) keeping the phone awake when a push notification is received.
- WRITE_CONTACTS - For creating a contact in the phone when the user tries to add a contact from someone in the list of members, or the member info page.
TMEIT for Android is distributed according to the terms of the Apache License version 2.0.
TMEIT for Android uses the following third-party libraries and resources, in addition to Android SDKs provided by Google:
- OkHttp3 HTTP & SPDY client for Android and Java
- Picasso Image downloading and caching for Android
- Android Range Seek Bar
- Material Design Icons by Google
- AutoValue by Google
- AutoValue Parcel Extension by Ryan Harter
TMEIT for Android integrates code from the Image cropping library by SoundCloud (which is based on Android CropImage, which is based on AOSP).