We’ve evolved Crowd Engineering into a social network application.
Cloud Atlas OS is a revolutionary, decentralized, and community-owned real-world platform——think Google Maps, Wikipedia, and an App Store fused into one. Powered by a P2P network of user devices, it’s self-scaling, runs without server farms, costs, or central authority, and empowers users globally. Here is how it works:
- Peer-to-peer connections happen via decentralized protocols:
- BitTorrent 🌀: Used for signaling and establishing connections between peers.
- IPFS 📡: For data sharing and syncing without central servers.
- NOSTR 🔑: A decentralized protocol for real-time messaging, used to help establish peer connections.
- No central server: All signaling happens through these decentralized networks, ensuring seamless and secure connections.
- IndexedDB stores data directly in the user's browser.
- Private and fast access, no external servers involved.
- Data is replicated across decentralized networks (like BitTorrent, IPFS, Mastodon, Matrix) to ensure redundancy.
- Always available: Even if one network fails, data can be accessed from others.
- Instant data syncing via WebRTC.
- Background syncing makes sure no data is lost.
- Complete Decentralization 🛑: No central servers, no intermediaries.
- Enhanced Privacy 🔒: Data stays private, shared only when needed.
- Resilience 💪: Redundant data, available from multiple sources.
- Real-time Sync ⏱: Instant updates with no delays.
- Fast, reliable CDN access for global performance.
- Available through Unstoppable Domains (decentralized DNS).
- App mirrored on IPFS, Airweave, and other decentralized networks.
- Redundant hosting ensures the app stays available even if Cloudflare or Unstoppable fails.
- Access domains and links via Cloudflare Domain, Unstoppable Domains, and decentralized networks (IPFS, ARWeave, BitTorrent, Nostr, etc.).
- Always accessible from various sources! Existing users can share these links across social media or directly with friends, providing virtually infinite entry points. This dynamic approach creates access through personal networks rather than relying on a single domain or centralized fallback points.
- Always Available 🌐: Multiple hosting points ensure uptime.
- Redundancy 🔄: If one service fails, others take over.
- Easy Link Sharing 🔗: Share links regardless of the access point—allowing a continuous flow of entry points from users themselves!
Cloud Atlas OS is a hybrid decentralized system:
- WebRTC signaling happens through BitTorrent, IPFS, and NOSTR—all decentralized protocols. (✅ working)
- Local data storage for privacy and fast access. (✅ working)
- Data redundancy across decentralized networks to ensure availability. (❌ coming)
- Real-time syncing for smooth, instant interactions. (✅ working)
Hybrid Hosting ensures:
- Fast, reliable access via Cloudflare. (✅ working)
- Decentralized access via Unstoppable Domains. (❌ coming)
- Decentralized backup via IPFS, Airweave, Bittorrent, Nostr etc. (❌ coming)
- Links accessible from multiple platforms, including end-user-shared links for infinite access points. (❌ coming)
Cloud Atlas OS = 💥 Decentralized Power + Always Available + Ultra Privacy 🔐
We’ve evolved Crowd Engineering into a social network application.
Cloud Atlas OS is a revolutionary, decentralized, and community-owned real-world platform——think Google Maps, Wikipedia, and an App Store fused into one. Powered by a P2P network of user devices, it’s self-scaling, runs without server farms, costs, or central authority, and empowers users globally.
A bold reimagining of governance that transforms brainstorming, group action, petitioning, and crowdfunding into an action-oriented system. Whether it’s addressing local challenges or tackling global issues, anyone can create or join missions, making governance accessible and participatory. This isn’t just governance - it’s empowerment at scale.
Picture a 3D animated Wikipedia where articles visually roam the globe, representing their content dynamically. Imagine spotting a green giraffe sipping coffee at Starbucks – an anomaly that flags a correction request to the Wikipedia community. This feature merges information with interactivity, creating an engaging and immersive way to explore and maintain knowledge.
- Universal Developer & Platform Compatibility: Developers can create with their preferred tools for all platforms.
- In-Browser Development: Create directly in your browser with ease. Did you know? Node.js now runs in browsers!
- Self-Scaling Apps: Leveraging WebRTC and public BitTorrent tracker networks for data transfer and signaling, dApps scale automatically, eliminating the need for centralized servers.
The first privately developed dApp, Couchsurfing Free, sets the stage for what’s possible. Upcoming projects like dAmazon, dUber, dUber Eats, and dAirBNB showcase the limitless potential for innovation, cutting out the middlemen. By the (p)eople, for the (p)eople – P2P at its finest.
Let’s build a future without limits, together
Cloud Atlas, my passion project, intentionally remains non-profit and free forever. Why I Need Your Support? While Cloud Atlas is my passion, I also have to meet my day-to-day living expenses. Instead of requesting large sums of money to hire developers or to cover substantial project costs, I’ve decided to take a more sustainable and humble approach. I am seeking support to continue my journey as a digital nomad, which allows me to live and work full-time on Cloud Atlas with minimal expenses. With just €6,000 a year, I can live comfortably in Southeast Asia, dedicating all my time and energy to developing and growing Cloud Atlas. This amount covers my living costs and allows me to focus on what truly matters—building this platform for the benefit of all. Please consider supporting me by contributing to my Bitcoin address: 12KQqWzc4BkVgm6syqEMjy3yoBd7hhoCHA or via PayPal Me. Everything above €6,000 a year will flow directly into enhancing Cloud Atlas.
Become a contributor to our network by simply pinning the Cloud Atlas tab in your desktop browser and help us grow.
Background: Cloud Atlas operates on a decentralized back-end, synchronizing through WebRTC and signaling over the BitTorrent tracker network. By simply running our page, you become an integral part of our infrastructure as a relay node.
- Introduction
- Tech Stack
- Implemented Features
- Planned Features
- Some nice remnants from the old, overbloated README - hopefully, they'll inspire you and offer deeper insights into the project's underlying ideas!
Restarted Project The Seed on 30.03.2024
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Buckminster Fuller
Live Domain: cloudatlas.club
Live Edit on Stackblitz: CLOUD ATLAS OS (MAIN)
Live Preview: Preview
CCC - Collective Computer Collaboration Hub (Developer Chat)
Become a part of Cloud Atlas today and join an exciting community that’s shaping a brighter future. Together, we can forge a better world for ourselves and the generations to come.
Cloud Atlas - An independent, community-owned Google Earth, free from centralized servers and overpowered entities, owned solely by you and the public! A Collective Computer...
No need for back-end servers! Cloud Atlas syncs via public tracker networks using BitTorrent, with Nostr as a fallback coming soon. However, persistent storage and computational power (cloud/servers) can be simply added if needed.
A serverfarm-less, decentralized Google Earth running as a 4MB standalone package, capable of working offline (coming) in your browser. It’s free and scales 99% autonomously! More users mean more app storage and computational power. You are the server farm.
- Authentication-less authentication. Checks indexeddb for username and appid, if no result creates new username and appid (combination from username, appid, ENVsalt + https)
- Trystero connects everyone using the app. Without any server in the middle!!! WebRTC + BitTorrent Signalling 🥷
- Records are transferred between all online users automatically.
- If a new user comes online, the new user gets all past records from the other users' record cache.
- Records older than 30 days are deleted on every app start.
- IndexedDB refills the record cache after reload.
- The globe populates pins from IndexedDB every 5000ms
- Rate limiting. Decentralized approach: More than five post in localpins objectstore will disable the input form. checkRecordCount()
- Sharing function: Posts can be shared to Whatsapp, Gmail, and many more app and services via the Web Share API, on both mobile (templatetext + post text + post link) and desktop (post link only)
- Live Edit Cloud Atlas: A click on the settings icon brings you to Stackblitz and loads Cloud Atlas in a hot reloading developer IDE with preview. Not only for professionals! Try it out, you cant damage anything! ;)
- UI Branding: Animated Hex Grid background with moving light. Glassmorphism Style UI. Transitions and Fades.
- Atmosphere: Space and Ground Atmosphere added together with Google Photorealistic 3D tiles.
- ChatGPT: Before you send your post, you can click the ChatGPT button, which fetches your title and text and prompts them to ChatGPT for optimizing your call to action with specifics regarding the input limits.
- Link validation: Is performed using two methods: 1. A regex pattern checks if the string .starts with https://desireddomain.org/ID (implemented/works), 2. Before submission, the app fetches the link. If the response is 200, the link is validated; if 404, the link is denied. (doesnt work for now due to CORS issue)
- Home Screen Dapps: Brainstorming (Zoom.us), ActionEvent (Telegram), Petition (Change.org), Crowdfunding (GoFundMe.com)
- Template from Home Screen Dapps and distribution of Cesium, Trystero and UI for your creations.
- For developers and non-technicians: GitHub Workspace Integration - "If you can describe it, you can code it"
- USE YOUR OWN MAPTILE API KEY: Drop your API KEY and use your own free tier. The key stays local with you and will not be synced. Option for storing it in indexeddb or dropping the key every time manually.
- Fallback on another decentralized network: The Nostr network serves as a fallback in case the BitTorrent network fails for any reason.
- Swearwords Detection: a static list or API
- Decentralized censorship: If you dont like it, you can block it! But locally only! Every user decides for themselves what they want and what they dont want to see!
- Progressive Web App features (PWA).
- Transfer limiting.
- WebRTC channel for synchronizing assets (get client from client, P2P downloadable software).
- Multiple other protocols as fallbacks.
- Bluetooth beacon and other Adhoc strategies (quickshare?)
- Decentralized domains.
Reach out to me and our community anytime on GitHub, Gitter.im, or during our upcoming weekly Zoom brainstorming sessions on YouTube.
Don’t get hung up on the tools; pick what suits your flow. Elevate your concepts using Unreal Engine 5 (Uses C++ as the primary programming language, with Blueprints for visual scripting, and also supports Python for scripting certain tasks.), Unity 3D (Uses C# as the primary programming language, with Unity Visual Scripting (Bolt) for visual scripting.), and/or HTML, CSS, JS, APIs (JAMstack), WASM (C, C++, C#, and Rust, but for the Web), or WebContainers (Node.js in the browser). Then continue with Stackblitz IDE Integration (Live Edit)
The Stackblitz IDE is seamlessly integrated (settings icon top-right), enabling you to propose, create, and implement new applications, enhancements, and bug fixes directly - in Browser — all without the need for installing a coding environment. Contributions can be made effortlessly via a simple pull request.
Want to support the development of a feature or app? With Cloud Atlas, you can finance it yourself or rally community support through applying as pop app (so (pop)ular, devs want to code it for free) money and code donations, and/or crowdfunding. This opens up a vast marketplace for development work and incentivizes contributions, democratizing app creation like never before.
The best part is that all enhancements and new applications are free for every user. Since the creation was donated/paid for by the crowd and the operation on Cloud Atlas is free due to its decentralized nature.
We’re committed to the vast potential of Cloud Atlas and are thrilled to witness its growth as the future of app development.
- clone or LiveEdit (settings-icon top-right)
- npm install
- npm run dev
SvelteJS is not a framework, its more of a WYSIWYG editor and compiler. https://learn.svelte.dev/tutorial/welcome-to-svelte
Enjoy the per page/component view, reactive store, and the bind feature of SvelteJS, but code in plain Javascript! (every .svelte file is a page AND a component, based on your usecase. Every file has an area for script, markup, css per page/component)
Blazing fast because the build output is your app precompiled. Static, but reactive! This is SvelteJS/JAMstack, which runs on edge and every other storage. 😝
Simply get started with whatever you can think of. Everything is well pre-configured. In turn you can start to code your idea instant, without thinking about the repo configuration or the back-end. In Javascript, without any framework boilerplate. Only the reactive store and the binds are Sveltejs, but the modifications/extensions can be done by anyone who knows JS without understanding a shred of Sveltejs. (when you see how the form in Brainstorming.svelte works, it will click, promise! 😉😁)
It’s essentially about connecting any creation to specific coordinates on the globe. Imagine a future where you can seamlessly run, drive, or fly virtually from one real-world game or app to another.
Cesium.svelte: Here you control the globe and the population with entities (pins, objects, events, apps, etc...)
/DAPPS/HomeScreen.svelte(App Template): Infinit possibilities. For instance Title, Text, Zoom Link, and Coordinates alone are already enabling Online Meetings, but location based, for instance brainstorming, event planning, live session, you name it... It's perfect for social networks, multiplayer games, E-Learning, you name it...
from here you can do litteraly everything because you can connect everything with this digital twin of the globe: HTML, JS, CSS, APIs! (JAMstack), WASM (C, C++, C#, and Rust, but for the Web), WebContainers (Node in Browser), Unreal Engine 5 (Uses C++ as the primary programming language, with Blueprints for visual scripting, and also supports Python for scripting certain tasks.), Unity 3D (Uses C# as the primary programming language, with Unity Visual Scripting (Bolt) for visual scripting.), you name it!
This repository is meant as a clean start point for decentralized, location based apps. I even go so far to say, EVERY APP should be location based! Since everything in reality is happening in the 3D space anyway, we are missing a lot of spatial intelligence and even very positive outcomes/synergies in app logic, compared to our traditional systems today. Unleash your creativity without without caring to much about the tools and the back-end scaling (99% "automatically") or locking yourself in!
Don’t get hung up on the tools; pick what suits your flow. Elevate your concepts using Unreal Engine 5 (Uses C++ as the primary programming language, with Blueprints for visual scripting, and also supports Python for scripting certain tasks.), Unity 3D (Uses C# as the primary programming language, with Unity Visual Scripting (Bolt) for visual scripting.), and/or HTML, CSS, JS, APIs (JAMstack), WASM (C, C++, C#, and Rust, but for the Web), or WebContainers (Node.js in the browser). Then continue with the settings icon in the top-right and do a pull-request.
Launch your creations to a global audience across various platforms—be it browsers, mobile devices, desktops, VR, or WebVR, right out of the box. Enjoy the liberty of creation, supported by a backend that scales automatically by 99%, free from any restrictive ties.
“Decentralization places the globe within your grasp, ensuring your voice resonates daily, not merely at the ballot box every few years. It’s about making your voice count every day, not just delegating it during elections.” BK
Status: (OPEN BETA)
Lean Startup Mode (Startup, Incubator & Accelerator united in one entity)
Prototyping, MVPs, and Optimizing as an ongoing process.
The first application on Cloud Atlas is Brainstorming. On private and public, local and global issues and tasks.
An incubator and accelerator for your ideas, solutions and funding.(GoFundMe implementation coming soon)
Simple as that. Now, imagine the crowdfunding feature. By simply changing the link validation to the Gofundme.com URL and modifying the UI (button text and choice brainstorming/crowdfunding on form), you can create a new app.
This network is free of cost. Funding not needed. If needed: Crowdfunding it is!
The possibilities are endless. The question is: How can we implement various apps in an organized way, ensuring the most sustainable ones remain prioritized?
Imagine creating our own version of Google Maps/Earth, incorporating all the services we desire, free from the constraints of profit-driven entities. Goodbye monopolies, influential lone wolves, guerrillas, and political cults.
Imagine combining crowd engineering and petitioning with crowdfunding. Envision decentralized allocation of homes, schools, jobs, medical services, transport, food, goods, and services. Goodbye governments, corporations, employers, and landlords.
And don't forget ChatGPT, evolving rapidly to become your all-day digital assistant with coming access to your display and the Cloud Atlas API.
The first "app" is Brainstorming on Zoom Meetings. Simple as that. Now, imagine re-engineering the Couchsurfing app (free home/shelter allocation, which went commercial due to lack of funding). By simply changing the link validation to another URL and modifying the button text, you can create a new app.
This network is free of cost. Funding not needed. If needed: Crowdfunding it is!
The possibilities are endless. The question is: How can we implement various apps in an organized way, ensuring the most sustainable ones remain prioritized?
I've always held the theory that "everything is already there, it is just mismanaged".
Cloud Atlas is a Collective Computer and was realized with only two publicly available repositories and watching too much science fiction:
It enables high-performance visualization of geospatial data, dynamic data, and 3D models. Integrating seamlessly with Unreal Engine and Unity 3D, it leverages advanced rendering and development tools to create high-fidelity, interactive 3D geospatial experiences for urban planning, simulations, immersive virtual environments, apps, and games, supporting mobile, desktop, AR, and VR out of the box.
To establish a direct peer-to-peer connection with WebRTC, a signalling channel is needed to exchange peer information (SDP). Typically this involves running your own matchmaking server but Trystero abstracts this away for you and offers multiple "serverless" strategies for connecting peers (currently BitTorrent, Nostr, MQTT, Firebase, and IPFS).
Cloud Atlas uses the BitTorrent strategy: peer-to-peer real-time data transfers with WebRTC, but without signal server but the public Bittorrent tracker network instead. A network consisting of 2 Billion users. One quarter of the world's population.
What's more on GitHub and the internet to aim for the moon of a post-scarcity, post-government society? Imagine dragons...!
I have always been fascinated by the peaceful and knowledge-seeking society depicted in Star Trek. The movie
“First Contact” explains the shift from our current society to a post-scarcity society, triggered by the Vulcans’ first
contact with humanity. However, the movie never explained what the Vulcans gave humanity to facilitate this
transformation. Given our tendency to use new technologies as weapons, I wondered what could possibly have led
to such a profound change.
The answer, I believe, lies in a collective computer—a resource-based economy management system with a
collective knowledge database and collaboration tools. This is what I have been working on for the past seven years:
creating The Cloud Atlas, a platform inspired by the idea of The Computer from Star Trek.
The Cloud Atlas is designed to enable spontaneous cooperation and innovative problem-solving, making the world
work for 100% of humanity without ecological offense or disadvantaging anyone. It allows participants to brainstorm
solutions, petition for necessary changes, and crowdfund their initiatives. Whether it’s a local private matter project
or a global public initiative, The Cloud Atlas provides the resources and support needed to turn ideas into reality.
My journey has been filled with challenges and learning experiences, but each step has brought me closer to
realizing a world where collaboration and innovation drive positive change. I believe that by working together, we can
create a more connected, proactive, and sustainable future.
Buckminster Fuller once said, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
Ira Chaleff, in his book Intelligent Disobedience: Doing Right When What You're Told to Do Is Wrong, stated, "A function of civil society is to organize ourselves to collectively stand up to those who add to the suffering of others."
Inspired by these visions, Cloud Atlas was born: a decentralized platform akin to a global, user-owned Google Earth. Imagine a collective computer similar to the one in the post-scarcity society of Star Trek, and a basic digital government gradually replacing traditional governments. Cloud Atlas empowers users to create micro and large-scale missions, projects, and apps effortlessly.
For non-technical users, the platform offers seamless linking to existing infrastructures or resources, whether it's a website, web app, GitHub repository, game on Steam/Epic Games, or even online meetings and live streaming. The possibilities are endless.
Developers can extend and customize every aspect, from the UI to elements, using their preferred programming languages or graphical development environments like Unreal Engine 5 and Unity 3D. With CesiumJS services and a range of free tools, visualizing and animating data on the globe becomes straightforward.
Trystero ensures decentralized data synchronization in the background via WebRTC and Bittorrent-Signaling, though traditional data persistence methods are also supported out of the box. Cloud Atlas is integrative and flexible, allowing IoT devices, sensors, or any other data sources and devices to be added to the globe or individual pins.
Additionally, Cloud Atlas offers digital governance through Crowd Engineering Missions: a sequence of brainstorming, petitioning, crowdfunding, and action events, accelerating the journey from problem to solution to realization, to a fraction of the time compared to traditional governments.
Cloud Atlas aims to become the world's united operating system. Whether private or public, local or global, idea generation or conflict resolution, non-profit initiative or profitable enterprise – with Cloud Atlas, anything is possible.
Our Main Directive: "Make the world work for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone."
With Cloud Atlas, you can explore stunning UE5 content, games, and applications on any device, including browser, mobile, desktop, AR and VR. But that's not all.
You can also experience Wikipedia articles in 3D and engage with them on a whole new level. Each article has an artificial identity, which means they can communicate with each other and identify conflicting information, which they will forward as pull-requests to the Wikipedia community. This helps maintain the accuracy of Wikipedia and promotes collaboration on knowledge among users.
But Cloud Atlas is more than just a platform for exploration and learning. It also provides a social network where people from different backgrounds can come together to brainstorm solutions to local and global issues. With the power of in-person meetups, crowdfunding, and petitions, you can turn your ideas into reality and make a difference in the world. And that's not all.
Cloud Atlas also features MissionTV, a decentralized platform similar to YouTube or Twitch, but with a focus on showcasing good deeds. With built-in live-chat and donation options, MissionTV provides an easy way to share your achievements and inspire others to do good.