You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 19
Wojciech Kulik edited this page Nov 23, 2024
17 revisions
restore_on_start = true, -- logs, diagnostics, and marks will be loaded on VimEnter (may affect performance)
auto_save = true, -- save all buffers before running build or tests (command: silent wa!)
show_build_progress_bar = true, -- shows [ ... ] progress bar during build, based on the last duration
prepare_snapshot_test_previews = true, -- prepares a list with failing snapshot tests
test_search = {
file_matching = "filename_lsp", -- one of: filename, lsp, lsp_filename, filename_lsp. Check out README for details
target_matching = true, -- checks if the test file target matches the one from logs. Try disabling it in case of not showing test results
lsp_client = "sourcekit", -- name of your LSP for Swift files
lsp_timeout = 200, -- LSP timeout in milliseconds
commands = {
extra_build_args = { "-parallelizeTargets" }, -- extra arguments for `xcodebuild build`
extra_test_args = { "-parallelizeTargets" }, -- extra arguments for `xcodebuild test`
project_search_max_depth = 4, -- maxdepth of xcodeproj/xcworkspace search while using configuration wizard
focus_simulator_on_app_launch = true, -- focus simulator window when app is launched
keep_device_cache = false, -- keep device cache even if scheme or project file changes
logs = { -- build & test logs
auto_open_on_success_tests = false, -- open logs when tests succeeded
auto_open_on_failed_tests = false, -- open logs when tests failed
auto_open_on_success_build = false, -- open logs when build succeeded
auto_open_on_failed_build = true, -- open logs when build failed
auto_close_on_app_launch = false, -- close logs when app is launched
auto_close_on_success_build = false, -- close logs when build succeeded (only if auto_open_on_success_build=false)
auto_focus = true, -- focus logs buffer when opened
filetype = "", -- file type set for buffer with logs
open_command = "silent botright 20split {path}", -- command used to open logs panel. You must use {path} variable to load the log file
logs_formatter = "xcbeautify --disable-colored-output --disable-logging", -- command used to format logs, you can use "" to skip formatting
only_summary = false, -- if true logs won't be displayed, just xcodebuild.nvim summary
live_logs = true, -- if true logs will be updated in real-time
show_warnings = true, -- show warnings in logs summary
notify = function(message, severity) -- function to show notifications from this module (like "Build Failed")
vim.notify(message, severity)
notify_progress = function(message) -- function to show live progress (like during tests)
vim.cmd("echo '" .. message .. "'")
console_logs = {
enabled = true, -- enable console logs in dap-ui
format_line = function(line) -- format each line of logs
return line
filter_line = function(line) -- filter each line of logs
return true
marks = {
show_signs = true, -- show each test result on the side bar
success_sign = "✔", -- passed test icon
failure_sign = "✖", -- failed test icon
show_test_duration = true, -- show each test duration next to its declaration
show_diagnostics = true, -- add test failures to diagnostics
quickfix = {
show_errors_on_quickfixlist = true, -- add build/test errors to quickfix list
show_warnings_on_quickfixlist = true, -- add build warnings to quickfix list
test_explorer = {
enabled = true, -- enable Test Explorer
auto_open = true, -- open Test Explorer when tests are started
auto_focus = true, -- focus Test Explorer when opened
open_command = "botright 42vsplit Test Explorer", -- command used to open Test Explorer, must create a buffer with "Test Explorer" name
open_expanded = true, -- open Test Explorer with expanded classes
success_sign = "✔", -- passed test icon
failure_sign = "✖", -- failed test icon
progress_sign = "…", -- progress icon (only used when animate_status=false)
disabled_sign = "⏸", -- disabled test icon
partial_execution_sign = "‐", -- icon for a class or target when only some tests were executed
not_executed_sign = " ", -- not executed or partially executed test icon
show_disabled_tests = false, -- show disabled tests
animate_status = true, -- animate status while running tests
cursor_follows_tests = true, -- moves cursor to the last test executed
code_coverage = {
enabled = false, -- generate code coverage report and show marks
file_pattern = "*.swift", -- coverage will be shown in files matching this pattern
-- configuration of line coverage presentation:
covered_sign = "",
partially_covered_sign = "┃",
not_covered_sign = "┃",
not_executable_sign = "",
code_coverage_report = {
warning_coverage_level = 60,
error_coverage_level = 30,
open_expanded = false,
project_manager = {
guess_target = true, -- guess target for the new file based on the file path
find_xcodeproj = false, -- instead of using configured xcodeproj search for xcodeproj closest to targeted file
should_update_project = function(path) -- path can lead to directory or file
-- it could be useful if you mix Xcode project with SPM for example
return true
project_for_path = function(path)
-- you can return a different project for the given {path} (could be directory or file)
-- ex.: return "/your/path/to/project.xcodeproj"
return nil
device_picker = {
mappings = {
move_up_device = "<M-y>", -- move device up in the list
move_down_device = "<M-e>", -- move device down in the list
add_device = "<M-a>", -- add device to cache
delete_device = "<M-d>", -- delete device from cache
refresh_devices = "<C-r>", -- refresh devices list
integrations = {
pymobiledevice = {
enabled = true, -- enable pymobiledevice integration (requires configuration, see: `:h xcodebuild.remote-debugger`)
remote_debugger_port = 65123, -- port used by remote debugger (passed to pymobiledevice3)
xcodebuild_offline = {
enabled = false, -- improves build time (requires configuration, see `:h xcodebuild.xcodebuild-offline`)
xcode_build_server = {
enabled = false, -- run "xcode-build-server config" when scheme changes
nvim_tree = {
enabled = true, -- enable updating Xcode project files when using nvim-tree
neo_tree = {
enabled = true, -- enable updating Xcode project files when using neo-tree.nvim
oil_nvim = {
enabled = true, -- enable updating Xcode project files when using oil.nvim
quick = { -- integration with Swift test framework: github.com/Quick/Quick
enabled = true, -- enable Quick tests support (requires Swift parser for nvim-treesitter)
highlights = {
-- you can override here any highlight group used by this plugin
-- simple color: XcodebuildCoverageReportOk = "#00ff00",
-- link highlights: XcodebuildCoverageReportOk = "DiagnosticOk",
-- full customization: XcodebuildCoverageReportOk = { fg = "#00ff00", bold = true },
Test File
Highlight Group | Description |
XcodebuildTestSuccessSign |
Test passed sign |
XcodebuildTestFailureSign |
Test failed sign |
XcodebuildTestSuccessDurationSign |
Test duration of a passed test |
XcodebuildTestFailureDurationSign |
Test duration of a failed test |
Test Explorer
Highlight Group | Description |
XcodebuildTestExplorerTest |
Test name (function) |
XcodebuildTestExplorerClass |
Test class |
XcodebuildTestExplorerTarget |
Test target |
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestInProgress |
Test in progress sign |
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestPassed |
Test passed sign |
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestFailed |
Test failed sign |
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestDisabled |
Test disabled sign |
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestNotExecuted |
Test not executed sign |
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestPartialExecution |
Not all tests executed sign |
Code Coverage (inline)
Highlight Group | Description |
XcodebuildCoverageFullSign |
Covered line - sign |
XcodebuildCoverageFullNumber |
Covered line - line number |
XcodebuildCoverageFullLine |
Covered line - code |
XcodebuildCoveragePartialSign |
Partially covered line - sign |
XcodebuildCoveragePartialNumber |
Partially covered line - line number |
XcodebuildCoveragePartialLine |
Partially covered line - code |
XcodebuildCoverageNoneSign |
Not covered line - sign |
XcodebuildCoverageNoneNumber |
Not covered line - line number |
XcodebuildCoverageNoneLine |
Not covered line - code |
XcodebuildCoverageNotExecutableSign |
Not executable line - sign |
XcodebuildCoverageNotExecutableNumber |
Not executable line - line number |
XcodebuildCoverageNotExecutableLine |
Not executable line - code |
Code Coverage (report)
Highlight Group | Description |
XcodebuildCoverageReportOk |
Percentage color when above warning_coverage_level
XcodebuildCoverageReportWarning |
Percentage color when below warning_coverage_level
XcodebuildCoverageReportError |
Percentage color when below error_coverage_level
You can customize integration with xcodebuild.nvim plugin by subscribing to notifications.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "XcodebuildTestsFinished",
callback = function(event)
print("Tests finished (passed: "
.. event.data.passedCount
.. ", failed: "
.. event.data.failedCount
.. ")"
Use print(vim.inspect(event.data))
to see what is exactly provided in the payload.
Below you can find a list of all available auto commands.
Pattern | Provided Data (event.data ) |
XcodebuildBuildStarted |
forTesting (Bool) |
XcodebuildBuildStatus |
forTesting (Bool), progress (Int? [0-100]), duration (Int) |
XcodebuildBuildFinished |
forTesting (Bool), success (Bool), cancelled (Bool), errors (ParsedBuildError[]) |
XcodebuildTestsStarted |
none |
XcodebuildTestsStatus |
passedCount (Int), failedCount (Int) |
XcodebuildTestsFinished |
passedCount (Int), failedCount (Int), cancelled (Bool) |
XcodebuildApplicationLaunched |
none |
XcodebuildActionCancelled |
none |
XcodebuildProjectSettingsUpdated |
(ProjectSettings) |
XcodebuildTestExplorerToggled |
visible (Bool), bufnr (Int?), winnr (Int?) |
XcodebuildCoverageToggled |
(Bool) |
XcodebuildCoverageReportToggled |
visible (Bool), bufnr (Int?), winnr (Int?) |
XcodebuildLogsToggled |
visible (Bool), bufnr (Int?), winnr (Int?) |
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>X", "<cmd>XcodebuildPicker<cr>", { desc = "Show Xcodebuild Actions" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xf", "<cmd>XcodebuildProjectManager<cr>", { desc = "Show Project Manager Actions" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xb", "<cmd>XcodebuildBuild<cr>", { desc = "Build Project" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xB", "<cmd>XcodebuildBuildForTesting<cr>", { desc = "Build For Testing" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xr", "<cmd>XcodebuildBuildRun<cr>", { desc = "Build & Run Project" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xt", "<cmd>XcodebuildTest<cr>", { desc = "Run Tests" })
vim.keymap.set("v", "<leader>xt", "<cmd>XcodebuildTestSelected<cr>", { desc = "Run Selected Tests" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xT", "<cmd>XcodebuildTestClass<cr>", { desc = "Run Current Test Class" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>x.", "<cmd>XcodebuildTestRepeat<cr>", { desc = "Repeat Last Test Run" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xl", "<cmd>XcodebuildToggleLogs<cr>", { desc = "Toggle Xcodebuild Logs" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xc", "<cmd>XcodebuildToggleCodeCoverage<cr>", { desc = "Toggle Code Coverage" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xC", "<cmd>XcodebuildShowCodeCoverageReport<cr>", { desc = "Show Code Coverage Report" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xe", "<cmd>XcodebuildTestExplorerToggle<cr>", { desc = "Toggle Test Explorer" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xs", "<cmd>XcodebuildFailingSnapshots<cr>", { desc = "Show Failing Snapshots" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xd", "<cmd>XcodebuildSelectDevice<cr>", { desc = "Select Device" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xp", "<cmd>XcodebuildSelectTestPlan<cr>", { desc = "Select Test Plan" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xq", "<cmd>Telescope quickfix<cr>", { desc = "Show QuickFix List" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xx", "<cmd>XcodebuildQuickfixLine<cr>", { desc = "Quickfix Line" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xa", "<cmd>XcodebuildCodeActions<cr>", { desc = "Show Code Actions" })