This repository is built upon the work of Vincent D. Warmerdam, specifically his bulk Python library.
The repository allows for you to leverage DocArray to grab all images from a directory. Next, timm is used to embedd all DocArray images. The embeddings are flattened via UMAP and clusters are identified with HDBScan. For running these tasks in sequence, see demo.ipynb.
The DocArray data is exported as a CSV file and optionally pickled. The images are saved into the static subfolder of the specified application name (a subfolder in the main directory).
- Clone repository
git clone
- Change directory to bulk-images-clustering
cd bulk-image-clustering
- Create environment with bulk-image.yml.
conda env create -f bulk-image.yml
Open and run demo.ipynb
Once the files have been processed and the CSV file generated, the application can be run by executing:
bokeh serve demo --show --args demo.csv
You can replace "demo" with your own application name. In the demo notebook, you will find this already implemented with:
!bokeh serve demo --show --args demo.csv
You should then see a bokeh server in your browser. If it does not load, try visiting: http://localhost:5006/demo:
The top-left of the application houses the scatter plot. Each node in this graph represents an image embedding's position in 2-dimensional space. The closer two images are together, in theory, the closer in similarity the two images are. Some results may vary. The colors for the nodes correspond to specific labels generated by HDBScan.
On the right side of the plot, the user will see 9 buttons.
Button | Function |
Bokeh Link | This is the standard bokeh icon that links to bokeh's docs |
Pan | When activated, pan allows the user to move the plot around |
Lasso Select | This allows the user to select items in the graph as a lasso |
Box Zoom | This allows you to zoom in by making a square |
Box Select | This allows the user to select images with a box |
Wheel Zoom | This allows the user to pan in and out with their mouse's wheel. |
Save | This will save the plot image only. To save the data, see below. |
Reset | This will reset the plot only. To reset the entire app, see below. |
Hover | When activated, this allows the user to hover over an image. A popup will display the image, it's name, and label. |
In the top-right of the application is the DataTable. This DataTable populates dynamically based on the nodes selected in the graph and the labels selected in the MultiSelect menu.
In the bottom left of the application, the user can download the data. The Filename will save as a CSV file. If "Save Images" is selected, the images will be saved in the directory as a zip file with the same name as the CSV file. Click Save to save the data.
Reset Data will reset the entire application.
This allows you to enable or disable the labels in the MultiSelect to appear only if they are already selected in the plot.
This will clear all labels from the MultiSelect menu. This allows the user to not have to manually delete all labels in order to visualize a small number of labels.
This allows the user to select or deselect specific labels. This will be populated dynamically based on the data selected in the plot. It will also function in reverse.
│ demo.ipynb => Jupyter Notebook for processing directories of images
| => Streamlit application for running demo.ipynb
| results.csv => csv file with results used by bokeh server
└───demo_images => images for the demo
└───app_files (DO NOT DELETE)
│ │ => main bokeh server application
│ │ => functions for the server
└───demo => demo application
│ │ => main bokeh server application
│ │ => functions for the server
│ │
│ └───static => subfolder that holds the images for the server
│ │ ushmm_demo => images for the ushmm demo of the app
│ => functions for demo.ipynb
The demo images come from E-Codices.
Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettF 16: 1, pp. 1-140 (