Chat Application
A simple chat application where multiple clients can connect to a server and exchange messages in real-time. This project consists of a Server and a Client.
The Server listens for incoming connections on a specified port and handles multiple client connections concurrently.
Each Client can send and receive messages from other clients connected to the server.
Real-time messaging between multiple clients.
Each client can send messages that will be broadcasted to all other connected clients.
Simple server-client architecture with socket programming in Java.
Handles user connection, disconnection, and broadcasting of messages to all active clients.
Java 8 or higher.
Setup Instructions
- Clone the repository
git clone cd chat-application
Compile and run the Server
The server listens on port 1234 by default. To run the server, execute the following command in the Server directory:
javac java Server
The server will print Server is running and waiting for users.. once it starts and will accept incoming client connections. 3. Compile and run the Client
To run the client, execute the following commands in the Client directory:
javac java Client
The client will first connect to the server at localhost on port 1234. After that, it will ask for a username and allow the user to send messages.
Server will wait for incoming client connections.
Client will:
Connect to the server.
Ask the user to input a username.
Allow the user to send messages to the server.
Display any messages received from the server.
All messages sent by a client are broadcasted to all connected clients.
How It Works Server
The server listens for incoming client connections using ServerSocket.
When a client connects, the server assigns a ClientHandler to manage the connection.
The ClientHandler is responsible for receiving messages from a client and broadcasting them to all other connected clients.
The client connects to the server using Socket.
The user can send messages through the console, which are sent to the server and broadcasted to other clients.
The client continuously listens for incoming messages from the server and displays them to the user.
Example Server Output
Server is running and waiting for users.. Client connected: Socket[addr=/,port=12345,localport=1234] User John connected. [John]: Hello, world! [Jane]: Hi, John! John has left
Client Output
Connected to server Enter your username: John Welcome to the chat, John!!! Enter Your Message
Hello, world!
Known Issues
No support for private messaging.
No user authentication (uses plain text for usernames).
The program assumes all messages are plain text.
Feel free to fork the repository, create pull requests, and contribute to improving the project. License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.