SSD(Single Shot MultiBox Detector) is a state-of-art object detection algorithm, brought by Wei Liu and other wonderful guys, see SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector @ arxiv, recommended to read for better understanding.
Also, SSD currently performs good at PASCAL VOC Challenge, see
My work is just playing with this fantastic algorithm, and see the detection result of my own. Many many thanks goes to rykov8/ssd_keras, which is an excellent implementation. cory8249/ssd_keras pulled an request, which makes it works with Keras 2 version, saves me a lot of time. Core implementation code comes from rykov8/ssd_keras
Additionally, I would like to make the project more simple and clear for understanding. Yes, it takes me time to figure out the mainline. So a little re-construction is done, leaving the function name same for the sake of easy comparison with original repo.
The code structures looks like below:
- SSD.ipynb # Main code
- # customrized generator, which return proper training data structure
# including image and assigned boxes(similar to input boxex)
- # parse Annotations of PASCAL VOC, helper of generator
- VOCdevkit # dataset downloaded from [, use The VOC2007 Challenge in this example
- SSD300 # SSD 300 model lib
- # main model
- # Normalize and PriorBox defenition
- # MultiboxLoss Definition
- # Utilities including encode,decode,assign_boxes
- prior_boxes_ssd300.pkl # my understanding is the model pre-defined static prior boxes
After hours of training on Aliyun-GN4-instance with Nvidia M40 GPU, I got result with multiple object categorical loss 3.3392 at 16th epoch. Weights can be downloaded at