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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



WiaTagKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'WiaTagKit'
  1. Download the iOS Worldpay library

  2. Open xcode, create a project and drag and drop WiaTagKit library folder (wiatag-kit-ios/WiaTagKit) into your Xcode project

  3. Alternatively, you can rebuild the Worldpay library by running:

cd WiaTagKit
pod install --no-integrate

If you do this, make sure you drag and drop the WiaTagKit library folder after this (as explained on the previous step).

  1. A pop up window will open in xcode. Please select the following options:
  • Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)
  • Create groups for any added folders
  • Add to targets. Select your project here
  1. The WiaTagKit iOS library uses CocoaAsyncSocket. Please make sure that you install the framework into your project by installing the podfile (pod install):
pod "CocoaAsyncSocket", "~> 7.6"
  1. If your app is using Swift, please make sure that you create a Bridging Header file on your app after having completed the previous steps. In order to do so, just create a file named yourprojectname-Bridging-Header.h with the content:
#import "WiaTagSendingLib.h"

Once you have done this, please amend "Objective-C Bridging Header" on your Target Build Settings to point to the path of the file you just created.

Installation using Cocoapods

WiaTagKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'WiaTagKit'

How To Use the Library

  1. Create a WTMessageManager object with host, port, deviceId and password.
WTMessageManager *sender = [[WTMessageManager alloc] initWithHost:"your_host" port:your_port deviceId:"your_deviceId" password:"your_optional_password"];

/** SWIFT **/
let sender = WTMessageManager(host: "your_host", port: your_port, deviceId: "your_deviceId", password: "your_optional_password")

  1. Create a WTMessage object and setup it inside builder block:
WTMessage *msg = [[WTMessage alloc] initWithBlock:^(WTMessageBuilder * _Nonnull builder) {
    builder.time = yourDate;//If you don't specify time, a current date will be used.
    builder.location = [[WTLocation alloc] initWithLocation:yourCoreLocation];
    builder.isSos = YES;//If you don't need send SOS message, you can just skip this propery setting.
    NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:imageName], 1);
    if (imageData) {
        builder.image = [[WTImage alloc] initWithImageData:imageData named:imageNameToSend];
    builder.text = yourText;
    builder.batteryLevel = yourBatteryLevel;
    builder.logFileURL = logFileURL; //(json file with file extension .log)
    builder.configFileURL = configFileURL; //(json file with file extension .cfg)
    //If you specify different values with one param name, just one value will be sent. So avoid doing this. 
    [builder addParam:yourTextParamName withText:yourTextParamValue];
    [builder addParam:yourBinaryParamName withBinaryValue:yourBinaryParamValue];
    [builder addParam:yourIntParamName withIntValue:yourIntParamValue];
    [builder addParam:yourFloatParamName withFloatValue:yourFloatParamValue];
    [builder addParam:yourLongParamName withLongValue:yourLongParamValue];
    [builder addParam:yourDoubleParamName withDoubleValue:yourDoubleParamValue];

/** SWIFT **/
let message = WTMessage { builder in
    builder.time = yourDate//If you don't specify time, a current date will be used.
    builder.location = WTLocation(location: yourCoreLocation)
    builder.isSos = true//If you don't need send SOS message, you can just skip this propery setting.
    if let image = UIImage(named: imageName), let imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1) {
        builder.image = WTImage(imageData: imageData, named: imageNameToSend)
    builder.text = yourText
    builder.batteryLevel = yourBatteryLevel
    builder.logFileURL = logFileURL //(json file with file extension .log)
    builder.configFileURL = configFileURL //(json file with file extension .cfg)
    //If you specify different values with one param name, just one value will be sent. So avoid doing this.
    builder.addParam(yourTextParamName, withText: yourTextParamValue)
    builder.addParam(yourBinaryParamName, withBinaryValue: yourBinaryParamValue)
    builder.addParam(yourIntParamName, withIntValue: yourIntParamValue)
    builder.addParam(yourFloatParamName, withFloatValue: yourFloatParamValue)
    builder.addParam(yourLongParamName, withLongValue: yourLongParamValue)
    builder.addParam(yourDoubleParamName, withDoubleValue: yourDoubleParamValue)    

All property/method calls in example above are optional.

Note: you can also create WTLocation in advanced way with latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, bearing and satellites.

WTLocation *location = [[WTLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:yourLatitude 

/** SWIFT **/
let location = WTLocation(latitude: yourLatitude, 
                            longitude: yourLongitude, 
                            altitude: yourAltitude, 
                            speed: yourSpeed, 
                            bearing: yourBearing, 
                            satellites: yourSatellitesCount)

  1. Call a method to send your single message (WTMessage) or array of messages (array of WTMessage):
//send single message
[sender sendMessage:yourMessage completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
    //Error if nil if message sended with success.
    //Otherwise, you can send your message here.
//send array of messages ([WTMessage])
[self.sender sendMessages:yourArrayOfMessages completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
    //Error if nil if message sended with success.
    //Otherwise, you can send your message here.

/** SWIFT **/
//send single message
sender.send(yourMessage) { error in
    //Error if nil if message sended with success.
    //Otherwise, you can send your message here.
//send array of messages ([WTMessage])
sender.send(yourArrayOfMessages) { error in
    //Error if nil if message sended with success.
    //Otherwise, you can send your message here.

  1. If you want to receive messages from the platform you need to call this method:
    [sender enableAllServicesWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
        //handle error if it is necesary
/** SWIFT **/
    sender.enableAllServices { error in
        //handle error if it is necesary

Than you should implement any kind of listeners for your purposes:

    [sender addListenerWithCompletion:^(id<WTIdentifiable> _Nullable command) {
        //handle command

/** SWIFT **/
    sender.addListener { command in
        //handle command

Finally you should check new commands from the platform manually or as feedback when you send any command:

[sender checkUpdates];

/** SWIFT **/
  1. If you want to receive config from the configurator you need to call this method(if command was complited successfully you don't receive any kind of errors):
    [sender requestConfig:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
        //handle error if it is necesary
/** SWIFT **/
    sender.requestConfig { error in
        //handle error if it is necesary
  1. If you want to use push notifications you need to register for it:
    [sender registerForRemoteNotificationsWithServiceName:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]
/** SWIFT **/
        sender.registerForRemoteNotifications(withServiceName: serviceName,
                                              apnsTokenStringRepresentation: apnsToken,
                                              fcmTokenStringRepresentation: fcmToken,
                                              completion: nil)

And if you want to receive commands from listener you should handle notification payload in didReceiveRemoteNotification:

    [sender handleRemoteNotificationWithDict:testPushUserInfo
/** SWIFT **/
    sender.handleRemoteNotification(withDict: info,
                                    completion: completion)
  1. If you use both channels(push notifications and tcp) for receiving messages from the platform you should create and set up duplication checker class into sender. For more detail see WTBaseCommandDuplicationValidator class.




WiaTagKit is available under the CC BY-ND 4.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.