An elliptic curve offering 128 bits of security and designed for use with the elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) key agreement scheme.
The goal of this library is to provide a NuGet package targeting .NET Standard 2.0 that is compatible with Blazor WebAssembly.
dotnet add package Whyvra.Crypto.X25519
var curve25519 = new Curve25519();
var alicePrivate = curve25519.CreateRandomPrivateKey();
var alicePublic = curve25519.GetPublicKey(alicePrivate);
var bobPrivate = curve25519.CreateRandomPrivateKey();
var bobPublic = curve25519.GetPublicKey(bobPrivate);
var aliceShared = curve25519.GetSharedSecret(alicePrivate, bobPublic);
var bobShared = curve25519.GetSharedSecret(bobPrivate, alicePublic);
var equal = aliceShared.SequenceEqual(bobShared);
This library is based on work by Timothy Meadows and Michael Heyman and their respective libraries linked below.
Curve25519 was designed by Daniel J. Bernstein.
All credit for work go to the original authors.
Released under the MIT License.