Shared my goals to 2022 for my personal projects.
- Eat healthy and practice more exercises (walk, gym...)
- Write Dailylogs and thoughts about side-projects, life, health and more...
- Learn about Testing Aplications (TDD, E2E, Te)
- Read My Books that I haven't finished yet π
- Improve my English, Programming & Comunication.
π Dailylog π€
- Lose weight 20kg
- riseup and promote to senior developer
- Practice Meditation
- Finish My List Courses
- Read some books in My list Books.
- Create an app to manage my financial life
- Create a CLI to get the movies with schedules on cinemas in my city
- Create a module npm to improve something on code
William Goulart |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details