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Operation reduce

Iván Corrales Solera edited this page Dec 2, 2018 · 1 revision


It reduces the stream to a single value by executing a provided function for each value of the stream.


func (s stream.Stream) Map(fn func{interface{},interface{}}interfac€{}) (out *stream.Output)


Name Type Description
fn func This function must receive two arguments, the first argument is an accumulator and the second a element of the same type that the elements in the stream. The output of this function will have the same type than the accumulator


Name Type Description
out *stream.Output It's a pointer to the below structure
type Output struct {
  value reflect.Value
  error *errors.Error


Type Description
err.items-nil The stream is nil
err.invalid-argument The reduce operation requires a function as argument
err.invalid-argument The provided function must retrieve 2 arguments
err.invalid-argument The provided function must return 1 value
err.invalid-argument The type of the second argument in the provided function must be the same of the elements in the stream
err.invalid-argument The type of the first argument and the output in the provided function must be the same


package main

import (

var stream = koazee.StreamOf([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})

func main() {
	out := stream.Reduce(func(acc, val int) int { return acc + val })



Sum the len of all the string elements in a tream

Test Identifier Stream Len Speed
BenchmarkReduceString10SumLen-4 10 355 ns/op
BenchmarkReduceString100SumLen-4 100 723 ns/op
BenchmarkReduceString1000SumLen-4 1000 4254 ns/op
BenchmarkReduceString5000SumLen-4 5000 21286 ns/op

Sum all the elments in a stream of ints

Test Identifier Stream Len Speed
BenchmarkReduceInt10Sum-4 10 324 ns/op
BenchmarkReduceInt100Sum-4 199 629 ns/op
BenchmarkReduceInt1000Sum-4 1999 3782 ns/op
BenchmarkReduceInt5000Sum-4 5000 9533 ns/op
