Nelm is a Helm 3 alternative. It is a Kubernetes deployment tool that manages Helm Charts and deploys them to Kubernetes and also is the deployment engine of werf. It can do (almost) everything that Helm does, but better, and even quite some on top of it. Nelm is based on improved and partially rewritten Helm 3 codebase, to introduce:
terraform plan
-like capabilities;- replacement of 3-Way Merge with Server-Side Apply;
- secrets management;
- advanced resource ordering capabilities;
- improved resource state/error tracking;
- continuous printing of logs, events, resource statuses and errors during deploy;
- lots of fixes for Helm 3 bugs, e.g. "no matches for kind Deployment in version apps/v1beta1";
- ... and more.
- Install
- Quickstart
- CLI Overview
- Helm compatibility
- Key features
- Documentation
- Usage
- Reference
- Annotation
- Annotation<id>
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation<container_name>
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation
- Function
- Annotation
- More information
Follow instructions on GitHub Releases.
Create a directory for a new chart:
mkdir mychart cd mychart
with the following content:apiVersion: v2 name: mychart version: 1.0.0 dependencies: - name: cert-manager version: 1.13.3 repository:
:nelm chart dependency download
with the following content:cert-manager: installCRDs: true startupapicheck: enabled: false
Deploy the first release:
nelm release install -n myproject -r myproject
... resources successfully created in the cluster and their readiness is ensured:
Starting release "myproject" (namespace: "myproject") ┌ Logs for Pod/myproject-cert-manager-webhook-76c89cc4c7-d8xn4, container/cert-manager-webhook │ W0324 14:49:12.719893 1 client_config.go:618] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work. │ I0324 14:49:12.743617 1 webhook.go:128] "cert-manager/webhook: using dynamic certificate generating using CA stored in Secret resource" secret_namespace="myproject" secret_name="myproject-cert-manager-webhook-ca" │ I0324 14:49:12.743756 1 server.go:147] "cert-manager: listening for insecure healthz connections" address=":6080" │ I0324 14:49:12.744309 1 server.go:213] "cert-manager: listening for secure connections" address=":10250" │ I0324 14:49:13.747685 1 dynamic_source.go:255] "cert-manager: Updated cert-manager webhook TLS certificate" DNSNames=["myproject-cert-manager-webhook","myproject-cert-manager-webhook.myproject","myproject-cert-manager-webhook.myproject.svc"] └ Logs for Pod/myproject-cert-manager-webhook-76c89cc4c7-d8xn4, container/cert-manager-webhook ┌ Progress status │ RESOURCE (→READY) STATE INFO │ Deployment/myproject-cert-manager-webhook WAITING Ready:0/1 │ • Pod/myproject-cert-manager-webhook-76c89cc4c7-d8xn4 UNKNOWN Status:Running │ ClusterRole/myproject-cert-manager-cainjector READY │ ClusterRole/myproject-cert-manager-cluster-view READY │ Role/myproject-cert-manager:leaderelection READY Namespace:kube-system │ Role/myproject-cert-manager-webhook:dynamic-serving READY │ RoleBinding/myproject-cert-manager-cainjector:leaderelection WAITING Namespace:kube-system │ RoleBinding/myproject-cert-manager:leaderelection WAITING Namespace:kube-system │ RoleBinding/myproject-cert-manager-webhook:dynamic-serving WAITING │ Service/myproject-cert-manager READY │ Service/myproject-cert-manager-webhook READY │ ServiceAccount/myproject-cert-manager READY │ ServiceAccount/myproject-cert-manager-cainjector READY │ ServiceAccount/myproject-cert-manager-webhook READY │ ValidatingWebhookConfiguration/myproject-cert-manager-webhook READY ... └ Progress status ┌ Completed operations │ Create resource: ClusterRole/myproject-cert-manager-cainjector │ Create resource: ClusterRole/myproject-cert-manager-cluster-view │ Create resource: ClusterRole/myproject-cert-manager-controller-approve:cert-manager-io │ Create resource: ClusterRole/myproject-cert-manager-controller-certificates │ Create resource: ClusterRole/myproject-cert-manager-controller-certificatesigningrequests │ Create resource: ClusterRole/myproject-cert-manager-controller-challenges ... └ Completed operations Succeeded release "myproject" (namespace: "myproject")
Plan the second release with an increased number of replicas:
nelm release plan install -n myproject -r myproject --set cert-manager.replicaCount=2
... only the
field is going to be updated:Planning release install "myproject" (namespace: "myproject") ┌ Update Deployment/myproject-cert-manager │ namespace: myproject │ spec: │ progressDeadlineSeconds: 600 │ - replicas: 1 │ + replicas: 2 │ revisionHistoryLimit: 10 │ selector: │ matchLabels: └ Update Deployment/myproject-cert-manager Planned changes summary for release "myproject" (namespace: "myproject"): - update: 1 resource(s)
Deploy the second release:
nelm release install -n myproject -r myproject --set cert-manager.replicaCount=2
... only the Deployment is updated:
Starting release "myproject" (namespace: "myproject") ┌ Progress status │ RESOURCE (→READY) STATE INFO │ Deployment/myproject-cert-manager READY └ Progress status ┌ Completed operations │ Update resource: Deployment/myproject-cert-manager └ Completed operations Succeeded release "myproject" (namespace: "myproject")
Release commands:
release install Deploy a chart to Kubernetes.
release rollback Rollback to a previously deployed release.
release plan install Plan a release install to Kubernetes.
release uninstall Uninstall a Helm Release from Kubernetes.
release list List all releases in a namespace.
release history Show release history.
release get Get information about a deployed release.
Chart commands:
chart lint Lint a chart.
chart render Render a chart.
chart download Download a chart from a repository.
chart upload Upload a chart to a repository.
chart pack Pack a chart into an archive to distribute via a repository.
Secret commands:
chart secret key create Create a new chart secret key.
chart secret key rotate Reencrypt secret files with a new secret key.
chart secret values-file edit Interactively edit encrypted values file.
chart secret values-file encrypt Encrypt values file and print result to stdout.
chart secret values-file decrypt Decrypt values file and print result to stdout.
chart secret file edit Interactively edit encrypted file.
chart secret file encrypt Encrypt file and print result to stdout.
chart secret file decrypt Decrypt file and print result to stdout.
Dependency commands:
chart dependency download Download chart dependencies from Chart.lock.
chart dependency update Update Chart.lock and download chart dependencies.
Repo commands:
repo add Set up a new chart repository.
repo remove Remove a chart repository.
repo update Update info about available charts for all chart repositories.
repo login Log in to an OCI registry with charts.
repo logout Log out from an OCI registry with charts.
Other commands:
completion bash Generate the autocompletion script for bash
completion fish Generate the autocompletion script for fish
completion powershell Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
completion zsh Generate the autocompletion script for zsh
version Show version.
Nelm is built upon Helm 3 codebase with some parts of Helm 3 reimplemented. We are backwards compatible with Helm Charts and Helm Releases.
Helm Charts can be deployed by Nelm with no changes. We support all of the obscure Helm Chart features, such as lookup
To store release information we use Helm Releases. You can deploy the same release first with Helm, then Nelm and then with Helm and Nelm again and it will work just fine.
We have a different CLI layout, flags and environment variables, and commands might have a different output format, but we largely support all the same features as Helm.
Helm plugins support is not planned due to technical difficulties with Helm plugins API, instead we intend to implement functionality of the most useful plugins natively, like we did with nelm release plan install
and nelm chart secret
Generally, the migration from Helm to Nelm should be as simple as changing Helm commands to Nelm commands in your CI, for example:
Helm command | Nelm command equivalent |
helm upgrade --install --atomic --wait -n ns release ./chart | nelm release install --auto-rollback -n ns -r release ./chart |
helm uninstall -n ns release | nelm release uninstall -n ns -r release |
helm template ./chart | nelm chart render ./chart |
helm dependency build | nelm chart dependency download |
The resource deployment subsystem of Helm is rewritten from scratch in Nelm. During deployment, Nelm builds a Directed Acyclic Graph of all operations we want to perform in a cluster to do a release, which is then executed. A Directed Acyclic Graph allowed us to implement advanced resource ordering capabilities, such as:
- The annotation
is similar
, except it works for non-hook resources too and resources with the same weight are deployed in parallel. - The annotation<id>
makes Nelm wait for readiness or just presence of another resource in a release before deploying the annotated resource. This is the most powerful and effective way to order resources in Nelm. - The annotation
allows to wait for readiness of non-release resources, e.g. resources created by third-party operators. - Helm ordering capabilities, i.e. Helm Hooks and Helm Hook weights are supported too.
Nelm fully replaced problematic Helm 3-Way Merge with Server-Side Apply.
3-Way Merge (3WM) is a client-side mechanism to make a patch for updating a resource in a cluster. Its issues stem from the fact that it has to assume that all previous release manifests were successfully applied to the cluster, which is not always the case. For example, if some resources were not updated due to being invalid or if a release was aborted too early, then on the next release incorrect 3WM patches might be produced. This results in a "successful" Helm release with wrong changes silently applied to the cluster, which is a very serious issue.
In recent versions Kubernetes introduced Server-Side Apply (SSA) to update resources by making patches server-side by Kubernetes instead of doing so client-side by Helm. SSA solves issues of 3WM and is widely adopted by other deployment tools, like Flux. Unfortunately, it will take a lot of work to replace 3WM with SSA in Helm. But since in Nelm the deployment subsystem was rewritten from scratch, we went SSA-first from the beginning, thus solving long-standing issues of 3-Way Merge.
Nelm has powerful resource tracking built from the ground up:
- Reliable detection of resources readiness, presence, absence or failures.
- Heuristically determined readiness for Custom Resources by analyzing their status fields. Works for about half of Custom Resources. No false positives.
- Some dependent resources, like Pods of Deployments, are automatically found and individually tracked.
- Table with tracked resources current info (statuses, errors and more) printed every few seconds during deploy.
- Tracking can be configured per resource with annotations.
During deploy Nelm finds Pods of deployed release resources and periodically prints their container logs. Also, with annotation "true"
resource events are printed too. Log/event printing can be tuned with annotations.
nelm release plan install
explains exactly what's going to happen in a cluster on the next release. Shows 100% accurate diffs between current and to-be resource versions, utilizing robust dry-run Server-Side Apply instead of client-side trickery.
nelm chart secret
commands manage encrypted values files such as secret-values.yaml
or encrypted arbitrary files like secret/mysecret.txt
. These files are decrypted in-memory during templating and can be used in templates as
and {{ werf_secret_file "mysecret.txt" }}
Nelm-specific features are described below. For general documentation see Helm docs and werf docs.
Values files can be encrypted and stored in a Helm chart or a git repo. Such values files are decrypted in-memory during templating.
Create a secret key:
export NELM_SECRET_KEY="$(nelm chart secret key create)"
Create a new secret-values file:
nelm chart secret values-file edit secret-values.yaml
... with the following content:
password: verysecurepassword123
Reference encrypted value in Helm templates:
password: {{ .Values.password }}
Render the chart:
nelm chart render
password: verysecurepassword123
must be set for any command that encrypts/decrypts secrets, including nelm chart render
Arbitrary files can be encrypted and stored in the secret/
directory of a Helm chart. Such files are decrypted in-memory during templating.
Create a secret key:
export NELM_SECRET_KEY="$(nelm chart secret key create)"
Create a new secret file:
nelm chart secret file edit secret/config.yaml
... with the following content:
user: john-doe
password: verysecurepassword123
Reference encrypted secret in Helm templates:
config: {{ werf_secret_file "config.yaml" | nindent 4 }}
Render the chart:
nelm chart render
user: john-doe
password: verysecurepassword123
Format: <any number>
Default: 0
Example: "10"
, "-10"
Works the same as
, but can be used for both hooks and non-hook resources. Resources with the same weight are grouped together, then the groups deployed one after the other, from low to high weight. Resources in the same group are deployed in parallel. Has higher priority than
, but lower than<id>
Format: state=ready|present[,name=<name>][,namespace=<namespace>][,kind=<kind>][,group=<group>][,version=<version>]
Example: state=ready,kind=StatefulSet,name=postgres
, state=present,kind=Deployment,group=apps,version=v1,name=app,namespace=app
The resource will deploy only after all of its dependencies are satisfied. Waits until the specified resource is just present
or is also ready
. More powerful alternative to hooks and
. Can only point to resources in the release. Has higher priority than
Format: <kind>[.<version>.<group>]/<name>
Example: secret/config deployments.v1.apps/app
The resource will deploy only after all of its external dependencies are satisfied. Waits until the specified resource is present and ready. Can only point to resources outside of the release.
Format: <name>
Example: someapp-production
Set the namespace of the external dependency defined by <id>
. <id>
must match on both annotations. If not specified, the release namespace is used.
Format: true|false
Default: false
, but for v1/Secret
— true
Example: "true"
Don't show diffs for the resource.
Format: WaitUntilResourceReady|NonBlocking
Default: WaitUntilResourceReady
Example: NonBlocking
Configure when to stop resource readiness tracking:
: wait until the resource is ready.NonBlocking
: don't wait until the resource is ready.
Format: FailWholeDeployProcessImmediately|IgnoreAndContinueDeployProcess
Default: FailWholeDeployProcessImmediately
Example: IgnoreAndContinueDeployProcess
Configure what should happen when errors during tracking for the resource exceeded
: fail the release.IgnoreAndContinueDeployProcess
: do nothing.
Format: <any positive number or zero>
Default: 1
Example: "0"
Set the number of allowed errors during resource tracking. When exceeded, act according to
Format: <golang duration>
Default: 4m
Example: 8m30s
Take it as a resource tracking error if no new events or resource updates received during resource tracking for the specified time.
Format: <re2 regex>
Example: ".*ERR|err|WARN|warn.*"
Only show log lines that match the specified regex.
Format: <re2 regex>
Example: ".*ERR|err|WARN|warn.*"
For the specified container only show log lines that match the specified regex.
Format: true|false
Default: false
Example: "true"
Don't print container logs during resource tracking.
Format: <container_name>[,<container_name>...]
Example: "backend,frontend"
Don't print logs for specified containers during resource tracking.
Format: <container_name>[,<container_name>...]
Example: "backend,frontend"
Print logs only for specified containers during resource tracking.
Format: true|false
Default: false
Example: "true"
Show resource events during resource tracking.
Format: werf_secret_file "<filename, relative to secret/ dir>"
Example: config: {{ werf_secret_file "config.yaml" | nindent 4 }}
Read the specified secret file from the secret/
directory of the Helm chart.