This repo is the Python3 version reimplement of Inpaint.git, which implemented the algorithm of the paper: "Region Filling and Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting" by A.Criminisi et al.
For simplifying, code for region selection with mouse and mask generation are not implemented, a binary mask image should be provided instead.
The command to run the program is:
python3 <pathOfInputImage> <pathOfMaskImage>[ <patchHalfWidth>]
For example:
python3 ../cases/image4.jpg ../cases/mask4.jpg 4
I did some little optimize to speed up, especially the time-consuming computeBestPatch() function. As a result the it takes about 7 seconds per iteration, for an about 300 * 300 sized image, and patchHalfWidth = 4 (size=9x9), on my ThinkPad laptop made in 2013.