tron wallet package for creating and generating wallet, transferring TRX, getting wallet balance and crawling blocks to find wallet transactions
go get[email protected]
test for Crawler
, TronWallet
and Token
located at /test
go test ./test
Set environment variables TRON_PRO_API_KEY
in production if you want to avoid rate limit.
- generating tron wallet
w := GenerateTronWallet(enums.SHASTA_NODE)
w.Address // string
w.AddressBase58 // string
w.PrivateKey // string
w.PublicKey // string
- creating tron wallet from private key
w := CreateTronWallet(enums.SHASTA_NODE,privateKeyHex)
w.Address // string
w.AddressBase58 // string
w.PrivateKey // string
w.PublicKey // string
- generating mnemonic
mnenomic := tronWallet.GenerateMnemonic(12)
// net uncle rigid useless coast explain saddle crawl pupil erase veteran slender
- creating tron wallet from mnemonic with account path
mnemonic := "net uncle rigid useless coast explain saddle crawl pupil erase veteran slender"
wallet, _ := tronWallet.MnemonicToTronWallet(enums.NILE_NODE, mnemonic, "m/44'/195'/3'/0/1", "")
wallet.AddressBase58 // TXTaWVTCMAEjC35S6sLF5gi6ZKVrxAkmGX
wallet.Address // 41ebb83dedb47dc852a5e2863acaf7b11989bc07a9
wallet.PrivateKey // 900b8fc4c8c83a9baffc40917aa1a029eb4b75215d05d0de92e365b907f27c22
wallet.PublicKey //04487ff8ed9de594a4148dfe0f83b7320e069fa66848f078f90270b695022c671af47417004b4cdd53487e8def2ebb6fe696fd883e48d68a0ed1bed9a3459f4a01
- getting wallet trx balance
balanceInSun,err := w.Balance()
balanceInSun // int64
- getting wallet trc20 balance
balanceInToken,err := w.BalanceTRC20(token)
balanceInToken // int64
- crawl blocks for addresses transactions
c := &Crawler{
Node: enums.SHASTA_NODE, // network -> maninet, shasta, nile
Addresses: []string{
"TY3PJu3VY8xVUc5BjYwJtyRgP7TfivV666", // list of your addresses
res, err := c.ScanBlocks(40) // scan latest 40 block on block chain and extract addressess transactions
res, err := c.ScanBlocksFromTo(28905305, 28905307) // or scan block from to number
// *
"address": "TY3PJu3VY8xVUc5BjYwJtyRgP7TfivV666",
"tranasctions": {
"tx_id": "6afbc5758d49e8d8bedddd903edbfc01c5f11ebfbaa6237e887294a6fc9394a2",
"from_address": "TJnsY5bGiwuPCQFismQDwyVTPAn7M88888",
"to_address": "TY3PJu3VY8xVUc5BjYwJtyRgP7TfivV666",
"amount": "195500", // sun
"confirmations": 1,
"symbol": "TRX",
"tx_id": "61624fffb31d09b9fe7252cd743733a5890c2a9077698d4a9bcb3d70ebb28777",
"from_address": "TSw5FSuWhTAcaJmBUVFY9fUY4ihwx588b6",
"to_address": "TJnsY5bGiwuPCQFismQDwyVTPAn7M88888",
"amount": "10000", // in token sub value
"confirmations": 1,
"symbol": "USDT",
* //
Estimate transfer trx fee
feeInSun,err := w.EstimateTransferFee("TJnsY5bGiwuPCQFismQDwyVTPAn7M88888",10000)
feeInSun // int64
Estimate transfer trc20 fee
feeInSun,err := w.EstimateTransferTRC20Fee()
feeInSun // int64
- transfer trx from wallet
txId, err := w.Transfer(toAddressBase58, amount)
txId // string
- transfer trc20 from wallet
txId, err := w.TransferTRC20(token, toAddressBase58, amount)
txId // string
- declaring token
token := &tronWallet.Token{
ContractAddress: enums.SHASTA_Tether_USDT,
- Getting token name
token.GetName(w.Node, w.AddressBase58) // return string,error
- Getting token symbol
token.GetSymbol(w.Node, w.AddressBase58) // return string,error
- Getting token decimals
token.GetDecimal(w.Node, w.AddressBase58) // return int64,error
check enums/nodes
alternatively you can create your own node
node := enums.CreateNode("")
check enums/contracts
alternatively you can create your own contract
contractAddress := enums.CreateContractAddress("TPYmHEhy5n8TCEfYGqW2rPxsghSfzghPDn")
Follow TronTestnet Twitter account @TronTest2 . Write your address in your tweet and @TronTest2 . They will transfer 10,000 test TRX (usually within five minutes). Each address can only be obtained once a day. If you need TRX for the nile testnet, please add "NILE" in your tweet.
Go to and connect to the discord community. You can than ask for usdt in #faucet channel. Just type !shasta_usdt YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS and send. TronFAQ bot will send you 5000 USDT (SASHTA) soon.
I simplified this repository repository to create this package You can check go tron sdk for better examples and functionalities and do not use this package in production, I created this package for education purposes.
Address TUE66D1BT79FQcJE7fwf5vdfu3BYM4ph9Y