An Atom snippet library for React. This library uses ES6 syntax, if you would prefer ES5 or Coffeescript snippets please use the Atom React Package.
Go to Packages > Settings View > Open
once in settings go to the Install tab and search for react-snippets
Restart Atom
$ cd ~/.atom/packages
$ git clone
$ cd atom-react-snippets
$ apm install
$ apm link
The ⇥ means the TAB
Trigger | Content |
im→ |
import empty |
ir→ |
import react |
irc→ |
import react and component |
irp→ |
import react and prop-types |
ipt→ |
import prop-types |
ircp→ |
import react, component and prop-types |
ird→ |
import react-dom |
irs→ |
import react and useState |
ire→ |
import react and useEffect |
irse→ |
import react, useState and useEffect |
ex→ |
export |
exd→ |
export default |
cdm→ |
componentDidMount method |
cwm→ |
componentWillMount method |
cwr→ |
componentWillReceiveProps method |
scu→ |
shouldComponentUpdate method |
cwup→ |
componentWillUpdate method |
cdup→ |
componentDidUpdate method |
cwun→ |
componentWillUnmount method |
cdc→ |
componentDidCatch method |
cx→ |
cx |
fup→ |
forceUpdate |
cct→ |
component contextTypes |
cpt→ |
component propTypes |
cdp→ |
component defaultProps |
scct→ |
static component contextTypes |
scpt→ |
static component propTypes |
scdp→ |
static component defaultProps |
cer→ |
class component skeleton |
rsc→ |
stateless component skeleton |
rscp→ |
stateless component skeleton with PropTypes |
rscr→ |
stateless component skeleton with explicit return |
rscc→ |
stateless component skeleton with handleClick |
rsf→ |
stateless function |
cdn→ |
component display name |
ren→ |
render() method |
sst→ |
setState() |
ust→ |
use state const [x, setX] = useState() |
props→ |
this.props. |
state→ |
this.state. |
rrc→ |
React.render() |
frag→ |
<React.Fragment></React.Fragment> |
cns→ |
constructor method |
clss→ |
class extends |
dnghtml→ |
dangerouslySetInnerHTML |
In this version the PropTypes snippets prefix has changed to _pt
instead of rp
. All snippets have two versions to allow for required and not required types.
Trigger | Content |
pta→ |
PropTypes.array, |
ptar→ |
PropTypes.array.isRequired, |
ptb→ |
PropTypes.bool, |
ptbr→ |
PropTypes.bool.isRequired, |
ptf→ |
PropTypes.func, |
ptfr→ |
PropTypes.func.isRequired, |
ptn→ |
PropTypes.number, |
ptnr→ |
PropTypes.number.isRequired, |
pto→ |
PropTypes.object., |
ptor→ |
PropTypes.object.isRequired, |
pts→ |
PropTypes.string, |
ptsr→ |
PropTypes.string.isRequired, |
ptnd→ |
PropTypes.node, |
ptndr→ |
PropTypes.node.isRequired, |
ptel→ |
PropTypes.element, |
ptelr→ |
PropTypes.element.isRequired, |
pti→ |
PropTypes.instanceOf(ClassName), |
ptir→ |
PropTypes.instanceOf(ClassName).isRequired, |
pte→ |
PropTypes.oneOf(['News', 'Photos']), |
pter→ |
PropTypes.oneOf(['News', 'Photos']).isRequired, |
ptet→ |
PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]), |
ptetr→ |
PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]).isRequired, |
ptao→ |
PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number), |
ptaor→ |
PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isRequired, |
ptoo→ |
PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.number), |
ptoor→ |
PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.number).isRequired, |
ptsh→ |
PropTypes.shape({color: PropTypes.string, fontSize: PropTypes.number}), |
ptshr→ |
PropTypes.shape({color: PropTypes.string, fontSize: PropTypes.number}).isRequired, |
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- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
MIT License © Zeno Rocha
The React.js snippets were originally created by orktes in Atom React in ES5 syntax.