2052 commits
to main
since this release
🚀 Enhancements
- PR: #2782 - Reusing k8s clients
- PR: #2874 - implement random port for bucket
- PR: #2931 - Replace text inputs with checkboxes in the bootstrap wizard UI
🔥 UI
- PR: #2903 - Add labels metadata display
🐛 Bugs
- PR: #2905 - gitops-run: Session names have to be lower-case
- PR: #2904 - gitops run: Stop waiting for reconciliation sooner
- PR: #2924 - Fix overlapping UI elements in bootstrap wizard if height of terminal window is insufficient
- PR: #2894 - Add WGE v0.9.6 release notes to docs
- PR: #2900 - Put logr between cli logger and stdout
- PR: #2844 - gitops run getting started
- PR: #2909 - Migrated tf docs to weave gitops
- PR: #2919 - reset signal in session
- PR: #2918 - Expose known clusters from the clusters-manager
- PR: #2923 - fix brew install link
- PR: #2928 - Security upgrades
- PR: #2922 - Defaults using k8s cached clients to false
- PR: #2906 - Add flux version to flux runtime table
- PR: #2925 - Upgrade flux to 0.36.0
- PR: #2934 - Allow overriding the user-clients-cache TTL from env var