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Monorepo Setup Instructions


  • Node.js (via NVM) with Node 14
  • Yarn
  • Foundry (for smart contracts)



  1. Install Node 14 using NVM:
   nvm install 14
   nvm use 14
  1. Navigate to v2-sdk folder and build:
cd packages/interface/v2-sdk
yarn install
yarn build
  1. Navigate to interface folder and start the project:
cd ../interface
yarn install
yarn start

Smart Contract

  1. Navigate to Smart Contracts
cd packages/contracts
forge install
forge test

├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── packages/
    ├── interface/
    │   ├── v2-sdk/
    │   └── src/
    └── contracts/
        └── src/

Steps to Compile and Deploy the Smart Contracts

  1. Once you clone the repo, run the commands foundryup and forge install to install all the dependencies.

  2. You will find the v2-core and v2-periphery folders under the lib folder. If you make any changes in the code, you can use the file at contracts/script/Imports.s.sol to build each of these.

  3. Calculate the INIT_CODE_HASH by navigating to contracts/out/UniswapV2Pair.sol/UniswapV2Pair.json and copying the key-value pair of the bytecode key. Paste it into the site Keccak-256 Online Tool to calculate the hash. Copy the hash and update it in the file at contracts/lib/v2-periphery/contracts/libraries/UniswapV2Library.sol in the pairFor() function. Then, build the contracts once again.

  4. Now that this is done, it's time to deploy the contracts.

  5. First, navigate to the working directory - univ2-fork/packages/contracts. It's time to deploy UniswapV2Factory:

    forge create --rpc-url <rpc_url> --constructor-args <address_fee_setter> --private-key <private_key> lib/v2-core/contracts/UniswapV2Factory.sol:UniswapV2Factory
  6. Now, let's deploy the WETH clone, i.e., WWVM:

    forge create --rpc-url <rpc_url> --private-key <private_key> contracts/test/mocks/WWVM.sol:WWVM
  7. Now that we are aware of both the factory and WETH addresses, it's time to deploy the UniswapV2Router:

    forge create --rpc-url <rpc_url> --constructor-args <factory_address> <weth_address> --private-key <private_key> lib/v2-periphery/contracts/UniswapV2Router02.sol:UniswapV2Router02
  8. If you want to test the router with a couple of tokens, you can deploy the mock ERC20 contracts as well:

    forge create --rpc-url <rpc_url> --constructor-args "Token A" "TKNA" --private-key <private_key> test/mocks/ERC20Mintable.sol:ERC20Mintable
  9. Voila! That's the end of the contract deployments.

Steps to Set Up the Frontend Code

This tutorial will be divided into two sections:

1. Setting Up the UniswapV2 SDK

1.1 Navigate to the interface/v2-sdk folder and run yarn to install dependencies.

1.2 Go to src/constants.ts and in the ChainId enum, add the chain ID of the chain where your contracts were deployed. We will be adding the Weave testnet chain ID, which is 9496. Next, change the value of FACTORY_ADDRESS to the address of your own V2 factory contract you deployed. Finally, change the INIT_CODE_HASH to the one in your UniswapV2Library's pairFor() function.

1.3 Go to src/entities/token.ts. Locate the WETH constant and add your own ChainId and the address of the WETH smart contract you deployed earlier.

1.4 Go to src/entities/currency.ts. In the public readonly ETHER, change the symbol (ETH) and name (Ether) to that of your preferred chain. In our case, it has been changed to tWVM.

1.5 Run yarn build. Your v2-sdk is ready.

2. Setting Up the UniswapV2 Interface

2.1 Go to the package.json file. Under the devDependencies key, locate @uniswap/sdk. Change the value to “file:../v2-sdk”. Run yarn.

2.2 Go to src/constants/index.ts. Change the constant ROUTER_ADDRESS to the address of the Router contract we deployed. Now, add the ChainId of the new chain where our smart contracts were deployed, in our case Weave.

2.3 Go to src/connectors/index.ts. Locate the supportedChainIds array and add the chain ID of our own chain. It’s Weave, and the chain ID is 9496.

2.4 Check point 5 from this guide to ensure completion.

2.5 Go to src/components/Header/index.ts. In the NETWORK_LABELS constant, add Weave to the list of values in the object.

2.6 Go to src/constants/v1/index.ts. In the V1_FACTORY_ADDRESSES, add ChainID.WEAVE to the list and set the value to the address of the UniswapV2 Factory contract we had deployed earlier.

2.7 Go to /src/state/lists/hooks.ts. In the EMPTY_LIST constant, add ChainId.WEAVE to the list of values.

2.8 Go to /src/utils/index.ts. In the ETHERSCAN_PREFIXES constant, add 9496: ‘weave’ to the list of key-value pairs.

2.9 Run yarn start for your frontend to compile and open in a browser.