Leveraging Azure SDK for Automated IP Analysis and Network Security Enhancements Description: This repository contains a Python script that automates the process of IP address analysis, blocklist updating, and Network Security Group management using Azure SDK.
Python 3.x A GitHub repository for the blocklist VirusTotal API key AbuseIPDB API key Azure account credentials
Run the script: Copy code python nsgcheckwithvtaip.py When prompted, input the IP address you wish to analyze. Follow the subsequent prompts to update the GitHub blocklist and Azure NSGs if necessary. Required Libraries: Please ensure you have the following libraries installed (also found in requirements.txt):
requests azure-identity azure-mgmt-network emoji (optional for flag display) Other dependencies as needed
Enter your API keys and Azure credentials in the config.py file. Update the nsgs_to_update list with your Azure NSG details. Contributing: Contributions to this project are welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.
Support: For help and support, please open an issue in the GitHub issue tracker.
License: This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.