- You need Fork CMS version 3.7
- Download the .zip containing the frontend and backend folder.
- Go to www.yourwebsite.com/private/en/extensions/upload_module and select the .zip
- The install adds a new page to every active language. As a demo, a category called Default is added with a project called James Bond containing some text and images.
Actually this module is a 'marriage' between the FAQ and Photogallery module. You can create different categories each containing different projects. A projects exists of the following fields:
- Title
- Summary
- Main content
- Status (hidden/published)
- Metadata (date, category, client and tags)
- Spotlight
- Related projects
- SEO tab
- Media page: multiple images, files and videos.
There are three widgets available:
A simple list with the categories.
A simple list with clients.
This widget will randomly pick a project that has been set as a spotlight project. This comes in handy to show off projects e.g. on the homepage.
<img src="http://projectsmodule.forkcms.lexxweb.be/screenshots/spotlight.jpg" alt"Spotlight widget"/>
In the settings page www.yourwebsite.com/private/en/projects/settings you can do the following:
- Define 3 image dimensions, these can be used in the frontend. (width, height, allow enlargement, force aspect ratio).
- Allow multiple categories.
This module can be used for lots of purposes:
- Projects divided in categories (deuh).
- Base of a webshop (add a price field and you've got yourself a product catalogue)
- References, portfolio, showcase, etc.
- Twitter: @b_de_clercq
- E-mail: [email protected] for any questions or remarks.