Binds iMessage to NodeJS (read-only)
This has been a night hack and we are awesomely trending on HN, upvote and star the project to be updated.
npm install imessage --save
To use the command line tool
npm install -g imessage
Usage: imessagejs <command>
search Search messages with particular text
recipients Search messages with particular recipient
Usage: imessagejs search "text to search" [options]
--count Just return the count
--recipient ID of the recipient
--json Print in json format
Usage: imessagejs recipients ["recipient name to filter"] [options]
--count Just return the count
--json Print in json format
var iMessage = require('imessage');
var im = new iMessage();
// Get all recipients
// Get recipients with "nicola"
im.getRecipients("nicola", cb)
// Get recipient Id
im.getRecipientById(1, cb)
// Get recipient and all of his messages
im.getRecipientById(1, true, cb)
// Get all messages
// Get messages with text
im.getMessages("hello you", cb);
// Get messages from recipient Id
im.getMessagesFromId(1, cb)
// Get messages from recipient with specific text
im.getMessagesFromId(1, "with text", cb)
// Get all attachments
// Get attachements from recipient Id
im.getAttachmentsFromId(1, cb)
var iMessage = require('imessage');
var im = new iMessage();
im.getDb(function(err, db) {
db.get("SELECT * FROM `messages`");
var iMessage = require('imessage');
var im = new iMessage();
.keyword(["love", "happy"], ["sad", "hate"])
.from(["+1231231231", "+89898989898"])
.exec(function(err, rows) {