WavesAPI is a javascript library for signing and broadcasting transactions on the Waves Enterprise network.
- Works both in browser and in the Node.js environment
- Supports GOST standards
- Supports the signing of all types of Waves Enterprise network transactions
1. Download and install Node.js (LTS) from the official website
npm install @wavesenterprise/waves-api --save
import WavesAPI from '@wavesenterprise/waves-api'
or use require:
const WavesAPI = require('@wavesenterprise/waves-api');
const config = {
nodeAddress: 'https://hoover.welocal.dev/node-0',
crypto: 'waves',
networkByte: 'V'.charCodeAt(0)
const Waves = WavesAPI.create({
initialConfiguration: config,
fetchInstance: window.fetch // For Node.js use node-fetch: check /examples
const seed = Waves.Seed.fromExistingPhrase('examples seed phrase');
const tx = {
recipient: seed.address, // Send tokens to the same address
assetId: 'WAVES',
amount: '10000',
fee: '1000000',
attachment: 'Examples transfer attachment',
timestamp: Date.now()
Waves.API.Node.transactions.broadcastFromClientAddress('transfer', tx, seed.keyPair).then(result => {
console.log('Broadcast result:', result)
Get transaction ID (or transaction hash) before broadcast:
const txHash = await Waves.API.Node.transactions.getTxId('transfer', txBody, { publicKey })
In the /examples folder you can find complete examples of sending the most popular transactions.
To run examples:
Once install requirements and make a project build:
npm i && npm run build
Broadcast following transactions:
Tokens transfer:
npm run example:transfer
Create Policy:
npm run example:policy
Grant and revoke blockchain permission:
npm run example:permission
Issue and Burn tokens
npm run example:issue-burn
Create docker contract
npm run example:docker-create
Call docker contract
npm run example:docker-call
Atomic (including two Transfers and PolicyDataHash)
npm run example:atomic
Using this examples, you can sign any other type of transaction using the transaction structure from docs.
If blockchain Node using oAuth authorization, waves-api should be initialized with auth headers provided to fetch.
In our projects we use library api-token-refresher, provides automatic tokens refresh if access token is became expired.
Initialization is pretty simple:
import { init: initRefresher } from '@wavesenterprise/api-token-refresher/dist/fetch'
const { fetch } = initRefresher({
authorization: {
access_token, // JWT access token
refresh_token // JWT refresh token
const Waves = WavesAPI.create({
initialConfiguration: config,
fetchInstance: fetch
You can also use custom solution for integration with oAuth.
You can create a new random seed:
const seed = Waves.Seed.create();
console.log(seed.phrase); // 'hole law front bottom then mobile fabric under horse drink other member work twenty boss'
console.log(seed.address); // '3Mr5af3Y7r7gQej3tRtugYbKaPr5qYps2ei'
console.log(seed.keyPair); // { privateKey: 'HkFCbtBHX1ZUF42aNE4av52JvdDPWth2jbP88HPTDyp4', publicKey: 'AF9HLq2Rsv2fVfLPtsWxT7Y3S9ZTv6Mw4ZTp8K8LNdEp' }
That seed may be encrypted with a password:
const password = '0123456789';
const encrypted = seed.encrypt(password);
console.log(encrypted); // 'U2FsdGVkX1+5TpaxcK/eJyjht7bSpjLYlSU8gVXNapU3MG8xgWm3uavW37aPz/KTcROK7OjOA3dpCLXfZ4YjCV3OW2r1CCaUhOMPBCX64QA/iAlgPJNtfMvjLKTHZko/JDgrxBHgQkz76apORWdKEQ=='
...and decrypted using the same password:
const restoredPhrase = Waves.Seed.decryptSeedPhrase(encrypted, password);
console.log(restoredPhrase); // 'hole law front bottom then mobile fabric under horse drink other member work twenty boss'
You also can create a Seed
object from an existing seed:
const anotherSeed = Waves.Seed.fromExistingPhrase('a seed which was backed up some time ago');
console.log(seed.phrase); // 'a seed which was backed up some time ago'
console.log(seed.address); // '3N3dy1P8Dccup5WnYsrC6VmaGHF6wMxdLn4'
console.log(seed.keyPair); // { privateKey: '2gSboTPsiQfi1i3zNtFppVJVgjoCA9P4HE9K95y8yCMm', publicKey: 'CFr94paUnDSTRk8jz6Ep3bzhXb9LKarNmLYXW6gqw6Y3' }
Duplicate methods from blockchain node REST api:
- crypto/encryptCommon
- crypto/encryptSeparate
- crypto/decrypt
// example of usage in ./test/libs/cryptoTool.test.ts
// run test via command: mocha -r ts-node/register ./test/libs/cryptoTool.test.ts
- Mikhail Tokarev - Initial refactoring
- Alexander Kuvakin - Refactoring, add new transaction types
- Artem Kolodko - Refactoring, examples
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.