The wasmVision platform SDK is for processors to be able to use host features like logging and retrieving configuration settings.
It includes WIT files defining the interface to be used.
These interface definitions are then used to generate WASM bindings for TinyGo, Rust, and C. Those bindings can then be used in a WASM guest module to call wasmVision platform functions.
There are already several capabilities implemented in wasmVision for processors to use.
- Config
- HTTP outgoing requests
- Logging
Documentation for the wasmVision platform SDK is located here
This TinyGo module uses both logging and config.
package main
import (
var configValue string
//export process
func process(image mat.Mat) mat.Mat {
if configValue == "" {
conf := config.GetConfig("default")
if conf.IsErr() {
configValue = conf.Err().String()
logging.Log("Config error: " + configValue)
} else {
configValue = *conf.OK()
logging.Log("Config: " + configValue)
logging.Log("Cols: " +
strconv.Itoa(int(image.Cols())) +
" Rows: " +
strconv.Itoa(int(image.Rows())) +
" Type: " +
strconv.Itoa(int(image.Mattype())) +
" Size: " +
return image
// malloc is needed for wasm-unknown-unknown target for functions that return a List.
//export malloc
func malloc(size uint32) uint32 {
data := make([]byte, size)
ptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(data)))
return uint32(ptr)
Install the wasmvision-sdk-go
package into your Go package:
go get
You can then compile this module using the TinyGo compiler.
tinygo build -o processor.wasm -target=wasm-unknown processor.go
This Rust module uses the wasmVision platform SDK logging capability.
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::string::ToString;
use wasmcv::wasm::cv;
use wasmvision::wasmvision::platform::logging;
pub extern fn process(mat: cv::mat::Mat) -> cv::mat::Mat {
logging::log(&["Performing blur on image with Cols: ", &mat.cols().to_string(), " Rows: ", &mat.rows().to_string()].concat());
let out = cv::cv::blur(mat, cv::types::Size{x: 25, y: 25});
return out;
Install the wasmvision
crate into your Rust project:
cargo add wasmvision
You can then compile this module using the Rust compiler.
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
This C module uses the wasmVision platform SDK logging capability.
#include <wasmcv/imports.h>
#include <wasmvision/platform.h>
wasm_cv_mat_own_mat_t process(wasm_cv_mat_own_mat_t image) {
wasm_cv_cv_size_t size = {.x = 25, .y = 25};
wasm_cv_mat_own_mat_t out_mat = wasm_cv_cv_blur(image, &size);
platform_string_t msg = {(unsigned char *)"Blurc processor called", 23};
return out_mat;