- This is a deis-workflow v2 using Kubernetes on DigitalOcean demo, used in my Online course (www.newtech.academy)
- terraform scripts to launch instances on DigitalOcean
- ansible playbook is in ansible
- provision scripts for Deis can be found in scripts/
- Create terraform/terraform.tfvars
DO_TOKEN = "generate new api key and put here"
PUBLIC_SSH_KEY = "/path/to/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
PRIVATE_SSH_KEY = "/path/to/.ssh/id_rsa"
- Create Ansible inventory file ansible/inventory:
- Set variables in ansible/group_vars/all
- Spin up DigitalOcean instances:
$ cd terraform
$ terraform apply
- Run the ansible playbook
$ cd ansible
$ ansible-playbook kubernetes.yml -i inventory
- Install kubectl
$ scripts/kubectl.sh
- Install Deis
$ scripts/install_deis.sh
- Install Deis client
$ scripts/install_client.sh
- Start the LB. First find out the EndPoints and change them in config
kubectl describe service deis-router --namespace=deis
# edit group_vars/all
# edit inventory file
ansible-playbook kubernetes.yml -i inventory --limit loadbalancer-ip
- Register to Deis and Deploy the app
$ deis register http://deis.public-ip.nip.io
$ mv demo-app ../app && cd ../app
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "initial commit"
$ deis create
$ deis keys:add
$ ssh-agent bash
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/mykey
$ git push deis master
$ curl appname.public-ip.nip.io